Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Cipher walked through the halls of their temporary base of operations.. as she did so, she noticed something: it was quiet, too quiet. Scoffing to herself, she continued to her new office, an office that had seen many pass through, but few ever stayed. Shaking her head, she accessed the terminal and ran through the roster... so much promise, yet there was no real sign of it... Something would change... 'This house has lain dormant for far too long. No more. This ends now!' she vowed to herself.

Ok, so I like dramatic intros... get used to it! :P I'm KP Cipher K'oranian Isradia and I'm here to PUMP YOU UP! That's right folks... I'm here to get you people moving and bring up the activity. Sundays will be my normal report days so look for the full version of my reports to come out then, packed with goodies for the readin'. Competitions will be started as soon as I can collaborate with our wonderful QUA... Every month, there will be at least two competitions put out by myself: one will be an easy 'gimme a medal!' type competition, and the other will be a more demanding, yet rewarding competition. That way, everyone has a chance. And don't worry... my comps are most often fun or comic with the odd serious comp thrown in. Trust me, it won't be a bore...

What is there to tell? I'm a 20 year old Canadian woman, currently living in a city about an hour away from Toronto. I have a wonderful boyfriend named Adam who plans to marry me when I'm done school! giggles with delight I'm a graphic design student and he's gonna be a cop...

Every week, i'll tell you what's happenin in my life, and tell you a random fact about me... :D

So this is just a short 'Stick my head in the door and say hello' for you all. Here's to hoping that my term here sees some life in this House. I know it's there, we just have to bring it out

Ta for now!


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