Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

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Opening Salvo:

<span class="style2">Well, kiddies, its time for another action packed report from yours truly. Even though I have only been the BTL for about two weeks, I am very pleased with how things are turning out. Hopefully everyone else feels the same way. If not, well, I'm just getting started...</span>


  1. First off, KP Cipher K'oranian Isradia has been chosen as the new Aedile of House Exar Kun. I pity her. First, she has to have me as an apprentice...and now she has the added responsiblity of making sure I do a good job as BTL. Poor, poor Cipher.

  2. The AWOL Check has now been completed and the size of our team has basically been cut in half. Of course, this is what happens when you do an AWOL Check. You shed the fat and keep the muscle. I am very appreciative to those who responded. Hopefully, over the course of time, we'll convince others to join our ranks through constant activity and fun comps. Speaking of which...


The Blades of Kun Motto Extravaganza! (Link)

Yes, yes, I know. The title is a bit overdone. After all, how exciting can this comp actually be?

Well, frankly, "For the Glory of Kun!" is even less exciting. Thus, it is your job to come up with as many as FIVE new mottos and submit them to me by emailing me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Follow the link above for full details.

The Blades of Kun Wiki Update (Link)

Alas! It appears the history books are a bit outdated. We are no longer dissolved, but rather, resolved!

Thus, it is your task to write a Wiki article that tells the story of the re-unification of our once great Battle Team. Follow the link above for full details

The Halls of Honor

GRD Caedo

14 Clusters of Fire

1 Crescent with a Topaz Star

GRD Raza

ACC Initiates Course

Lightsaber Studies

History of the Sith Empire III

Great work Troops!

In Conclusion...

Try to participate in both BT comps as well as House-wide activities. I've made the first comps pretty easy, so I expect lots of submissions. Until next week....See ya!

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