Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Most members of Acclivis Draco hated these formal parades. The Aedile had obviously taken a fancy to calling them at short notice all times of the night, meaning that the members normally had to use their powers to detoxify from the evening's events in the Cantina, sort out their formal robes, and hurry down to the parade square. This was the one area of the House HQ that was actually tidy now, Cuchulain having teams sorting it out immediately after the Vong invasion.

They stood in formation, kept to attention in lines as the imposing figure of Cuchulain passed up and down each in turn, highlighting imperfections in dress and stance and passing out extra duties as he saw fit. Timbal grunted when picking up kitchen duties for some dust on his sabre hilt. Natth a'Niel grunted in derision, daring Cooch to pass him with an extra duty as he was looked up and down. The Aedile moved swiftly on, informing Kaine Mandaala that he'd be sorting Lavatorial Cleaning duties instead. Just because he could. The Palpatine strode away to give his briefing leaving a buzz of anger over the group...

Dark dudes and dudettes

  • Reclamation *

Normally I attempt to inject some humour into my reports, but even though I have read and re-read this over and over I am having difficulty. This competitions is still well under way and there are a few days left. As a House we're still not looking very good on the participation side, so that is a huge disappointment. Only 12 members of a total 62 on the roster have taken part, with a few notable absences, so an AWOL check will be carried out in the very near future to get rid of those who are not taking part.

We are still a long way behind the other two Houses in score, and for the first time since I have been a member (13 years according to the DB Roster!)it could be that Acclivis Draco is not named the Number One House of the Clan. To say I'm pissed off would be quite an understatement.

There are currently events underway such as the Webhunt that will earn the House a huge amounts of points for each member who takes part. Please do all you can to set 30 minutes aside to take part in this. Our list is posted below, showing what pictures we need to find. These do not need to be Star Wars specific, but if they are we could get extra points. Please go batter Google Images and send in submissions to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] whilst copying in myself and RevengeX.

Rising Dragon

Hawaii License Plate

Darth Bane

World's Biggest Ball of Twine



Remington Rifle




For those people who have been taking part thank-you for your efforts - Imp and Kalak deserve specific mention for their work so far. Of course RevengeX has the most points of all House members, because he leads by example. You will all have seen your medal awards coming through for the past week or so, and at the end of Reclamation myself and RevengeX will sit together (figuratively speaking of course) and decide if anyone should be given further award for their contributions to the House's efforts. More important now though is that you keep up this commitment to the House and go get us more points.

Reflect the efforts of your leaders and peers, give as much time to this competitions as possible, and go earn some points for the House.

  • Other Competitions *

Most competitions run until the end of the month, so on Tuesday and Wednesday I shall ensure that the competitions listings page is updated for all Clan comps. If you don't know where it is (shame on you!) here is the link. Stick it in your favourites or bookmarks - whatever your OS uses...

  • Run-on training *

Arania, as Clan guru of all things Run-On based has asked me to drive the training run-ons that have current stagnated on the Message Board, found here. Should you be part of that so far expect an email from myself. For everyone else, please go along, have a look and join in the fun. This is an opportunity for you to perhaps expand on a skill that you don't yet have. Or if you think you're great at Run-Ons then go take part to show how it's done! All info can be found here:

  • The Future *

Myself and Revvy have been working on ideas for competitions after Reclamation and after Christmas. I've sent an email to the senior members of the House asking to add to an idea that myself and Revvy are working out, and this will also provide the opportunity for specific promotion tasks where required.

As well as that we are putting flesh on the bones of another large-scale House event. As we fill it out, it will be approved by the Clan Summit and then it'll be put into action.

There are also some ideas that no doubt the pen of RevengeX will inform you of, and so I won't steal his thunder.

  • Final note *

Basically, I'm not upbeat. For whatever reason activity is well down from expectations, and myself and the Quaestor need to address the whys-and-wherefores of that. I ask again that you do all you can to help with Reclamation and show that Acclivis Draco is still a true force in this Clan.


KPN Cuchulain Darkblade Palpatine

Aedile and Rollmaster Of Acclivis Draco

RevengeX's Number 1 Bitch

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