Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

==House Galeres Quaestor Report #2==


The only real news of note this week was the domination laid down on the King of The Hill Tourney by our own JScumm and Malidir. Congratulations and excellent work to both of you!

Only real gripe is that there were very few entries for my competitions I was running, so you all missed out on some easy medals. Your loss.

Clan RO is still ongoing so head up to the message boards if you feel the will to participate (which you should do, obviously)

All other news in your sector can be found at http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/news.asp


The Clan RO is still ongoing, you can see it at http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=4767


Medals for Galerians this week:

JScumm – CFx28, Cr-1R, PoB

Malidir – Cr-1R, CFx63, PoB

Xar’Kahn – Cr-1T

Juda – Cr-1S, SF

Kieran – CFx2


None this week folks.

=Courses Passed=

Caliburn – Capital Starship Studies, Starfighter Studies

Korto Tol – Test of Wisdom

=Members In/Out=


Shiro Yami, Invectrion


None :)

=Extra Bits and Pieces=

Keep it up folks, but remember to make use of the competitions that are made available to you. Easy medals! Some more will be set up soon, hopefully receiving more submissions this time...

=Song of the Week=

Untitled - Finch

Thanks guys, until next time…

SW Zandro Savric Erinos (Sith)/QUA/Galeres of Arcona [GMRG: IND] [ACC: CL:2-ACE]

GC / SC-SoF / AC / DC-CP / GN-BL / SN / BN-BL / Cr-3R-11A-7S-5E-5T-1Q / CF-GoF / DSS / LS / S:-5D-2Do-7Dk-8P

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