Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Sapphire Squadron Report #Pentagon

-Commander's Word-

Eugh... week from hell this week. This report will be short, unfortunately, because I wont be stopping to smell the roses. Already got stuff piling up for tomorrow.


Anubis Wrath picked up a score (20) of CoF's this week for his gaming efforts. Keep up the good work!


Proving that he cant sit still, Anubis changed his Order to Sith.

Not really a member, but since she is a member of CNS and this is pretty much the biggest soapbox I get, congratulations to Sildrin Sadow for becoming a mommy! A little priestess brought into the world on Saturday.


Only one person took a stab at the puzzle from last week, and actually came pretty much to the right answer. The answer was: Set one rope on fire at both ends. Set the other on fire at one end. When the first rope is consumed, half an hour has passed. At that point, set the other end of the second rope on fire. When it has been consumed, 45 minutes have passed.

No trivia, no puzzle this week. I'll pick it back up on Saturday.

In Darkness Serve,

Krath Priest StarLion

Commander, Sapphire Squadron

Dark Librarian of Loki

Dark Jedi Knight Emeritus

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