Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Cipher was in a slightly better mood this week... only slightly. Several people had been promoted and that was a sign that things were working. The cogs began turning...

As many of you know, I have now been named QUA. Jagan resigned for his own reasons and we will leave it at that. That said, I am now in need of an AED. I have someone in mind, and upon speaking with that individual, I will decide from there. If the person turns the offer down, I will open the position up for apps. Stay tuned...

Well, some people had taken my challenge... not many, but some is better than none. Activity is marginal... Let's pick it up people!!!

ACOs VanWyck and Alaris Jinn were both promoted to PRT!!! Congrats! We'll get you two a Master soon!

APP Lexanos Tiphaeria, promoted to NOV!! Gratz! Keep up the good work!

Lots of awards!!!

Gratz to all those who received SoLs!!! Dedication pays off! :D

Cresents with Emerald and Quartz Stars for Raza Adas (1 ea)

Cresent with Emerald Star for Imichua

Cresent with Topaz Star for Caedo

Cresent with Sapphire Star for Alaris Jinn

And lastly, a Cresent with Sapphire Star for myself!!! ^:^ YAY!

VanWyck passed the AOL Instant Messenger Course

Caedo passed the Clan Plagueis History Course

Lexanos passed the Obelisk Core

Valanis passed the Lightsaber Studies Course


Just one battle this week...

PRT Jin Ghost fought DJM Halcyon Rokir. Unfortunately he lost this one. Keep tryin!!!

Welcome to APP Daemon White!! :D

No Transfers... unless you cound Jin Ghost switching to the Obelisk Order...

The BT Exar's Shadow is holding a Motto comp... AGAIN. Go grab some crescents!!! It's an easy comp!!!

Various Graphics

Omicron Station Wiki Creation

Kapsina Wiki Update

Boosting activity within the ranks, especially APPs...

Various Graphics for people

Again, I have been placed in the QUA position. AED decision will be soon.

Factoid of the Week: I am a licensed security officer in my province. :P

I want activity!!! There will be comps coming out as soon as I have the whole AED thing settled. Do some SA courses, go fight in the ACC, or enter some comps! Also, go game if you like that sort of thing. Whatever it takes!!! I like a full inbox... and not one full of spam!!! ;) (For those of you who think you're funny...)

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