Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Good Evening House Members,

I had originally planned to do a fancy write up, with flowery descriptions and a big flashy description of my coming out of retirement. Well, I have since re-thought the idea, and I'll gt right to the point. part of that point is to explain who I am, where I have been, and why I am here. This might take a few minutes, get some coffee, light a smoke, and get comfy.

I am Krath Archpriest Vithril Isradia. I have been in the DB 4 years and some change, the majority of that was spent in Clan Exar Kun... this houses namesake. I was here when CEK was 42 members and only 5 of them active, and along with a handful of other clan-mates, we quickly got the ball rolling and became a force to be reckoned with in the DJB. I have served as TET, AED, QUA, and as acting PCON during an emergency situation (for CEK, not Plagueis). I have also served as magistrate to the Krath High Priestess, and Magistrate to the Oracle. After some trouble, both in RL and here in the DJB, I left for parts unknown, and did short stints in CSP and Arcona. My home has always been Exar Kun, and even though we are a house now, we still have a namesake to uphold, a code of honor and glory to live up to. That my clan-mates is why I am here.

Some of you definately won't like me. Some of you will like me a little bit. None of you will love me. I am not here to be loved, I am here to help bring this house, and ultimately this clan, back to the forefront of the DJB. This al begins, and ends, with activity. Any activity is better than none, and lots of activity is better than a little. I don't expect any of you to stop your real lives for an online club, what I do expect is for you to give me 100% of yourselves when you are spending time with us here in HEK. This means participating in events, competitions, and communicating on the message boards, Shadow Academy, and IRC.

I look at the roster and see ALOT of members that should be getting promoted. I say SHOULD because if you are not getting promoted, you are probobly not doing anything to deserve it. I served as this Clan's Envoy under the leadership of GM Sarin, and inside one month, we achieved 17% retention/promotion rate. Thats from 0% to 17% in one month for the entire clan. Now we will do better than that for this house. I say we, because you will help me to help you, and we will have fun doing it. At the end of the day, it is all about having fun, but sometimes its not so fun being in a house/clan where nobody is participating in much. By not participating, you affect the fun of other members, and they in turn will sek out another clan in order to find that fun. This clan will be the clan for fun, and fun starts with activity. Theres that damn word again... Activity.

Now, on to how I intend to achieve this miracle. I am going to start by going through every dossier on the house roster and making notes, and I don't care what your rank is, I will note suggestions for better activity (except CoFo, he can come clean my kitchen). Then i will initiate a house wide AWOL check, and make no mistake, my AWOL checks are legendary (ask Cipher). have no problem trimming dead weight, I'd rather have a handful of dedicated and active Dark jedi than a bloated roster. I will also be evaluating the battle teams and their TETs, and will schedule one on one chats with the TETs just so everyone gets on the same page. We are Dark jedi, yet I see alot of members still in the lower stages. We will revisit the Clan's Master'Apprentice program and utilize it to its fullest, and I will also be conducting a Q&A session with the house envoy to get a picture of where the envoy situation stands (I wrote the Clan Envoy document for Plagueis, so I am well familiar with the duties). We will also start running more competitions, and I wil be writing an outline of the expected duties of every leader in this house.

I have taken enough of your time for the moment, but I hope you all can appreciate and grasp the scope of what it is I am about to do. This is the wake-up call, so now is the time to join the team or hit the road, you can make the choice on your own, or we can make it for you. None of this is in any way intended to be a threat of any kind, I am merely stating to you what I intend to do for this house, for all of you. Leadership in this club are here to serve its members, but in order to do that, we must do just that, lead, and sometimes it isn't pretty. We work so you can have fun and enjoy this club. I will be busy this week gathring stats and facts, take this week to mull over what I have said, and decide if you are in or out.... I'd hate to have to make the decision for you. The storm is coming....

KAP Vithril Isradia

AED House Exar kun

The Sword of Isradia

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