Master At Arms Report


Master At Arms Report

Two reports from me in a month? WTF? It's the usual business as always folks, with another comic at the end for your enjoyment as well as my vacation announcement

As far as writing recs and promotions go all you leaders have been doing a great job of making sure everything is squared away for a member you're trying to award. No major denials lately which makes me a sad MAA :P

Here's the links anyway because you love them

Good Rec Writing

Equite Guidelines

Family and Clan name policy

Recently I've been finishing up a titles project, which for those of you with clan names or other DB wide events in which titles were given should have something on your dossier below your robes and name. If you have one and I missed you let me know

VACATION!!! Starting December 1st I will be on vacation until the 8th, so Halc will be in charge. I'll make a news post about it the night before as a reminder.

This report's comic brought to you by cyanide & happiness:

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