Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Hey everyone its time for my first official report.

First off I'd like to introduce myself then say what my plans are for Phyle, I am Michael Burgos and I've been a member of the DB for 2 months and apprentice to Garik Burren. Now then as for what I plan to do for the team, I thought that it would be nice to get some small Phyle comps like some ACC tournaments. If anyone would like to participate in this then email me and I'll get it started if there is enough interest showed. Also as you probably know by now I am also looking for some new membership in Prophecy, so if anyone knows if anybody is interested and wants to join then please let me know.

In the News section of things the Great Hunt has ended and kudos to those that participated. Also, to those that may not know this: there is a fairly simple new competition that is being run, and it seems like it could be pretty fun. The comp is Solo Missions and you basically write a min. of two pages on how you kill a Vong warrior. If you are interested in this then check this forum where the details are listed.

Solo Missions

Also I would like to know if there is anytime that you guys would like to pick a night and game, so that we could all just play with and against each other. Take note ,however, that the majority (although I'd prefer all) must own this game and be available that night.

Also it appears that we are not in the possession of a Motto!!!!! Generally this would concern me but right now I'm more concerned about getting Phyle more active. However if anyone has some free time and can come up with some ideas then email them to me.

I believe that is all, if I did however miss something then let me know and I will amend this report. Remember though that if I didn't post it here then it was mentioned in either the AED or PRO reports so check those out also.

In Darkness,

Michael Burgos

Tetrach of Prophecy Phyle

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