Aedile Report


Aedile Report

12/02/2007 to 12/09/2007 <-

<table width="100%" border="2">

<tr> <td bgcolor="black"> <center> *Dinaari / Taldryan News * </center> </td></tr>

<- </table> <li> Not much on this front. Some stuff in the other Houses. Amiz got to DJK, our Clan got 2nd place in some weird Envoy challenge. Blah blah blah. <li> To Dark Fire Brigade Members: the BTL (a.k.a. DJM Halcyon Rokir) has released a report. IT IZ OF TEH AWESAWM! <li> Other stuff.

<table width="100%" border="2">

<tr> <td bgcolor="black"><center> *Transfers / Awards / Promotions / Shadow Academy Graduations * </center></td></tr>

<- </table> <li> We welcome to the House APP Laden, APP Enzodus, and APP Liku. <li> GRD Rigar Ulrand has rejoined our ranks. Welcome back!

<li> Our QUA, Vladet Xavier (a.k.a. Penny) got awarded a Crescent with an Emerald Star, and a Crescent with a Sapphire Star.

<li> ACO Sidarace Rathden got promoted to Protector (PRT). <li> APP Enzodus got promoted to Novice (NOV). <li> APP Laden got promoted to Novice (NOV).

<li> PRT Sidarace Rathden passed the ACC Initiates Exam.

<table width="100%" border="2"> <tr> <td bgcolor="black"> -> Competitions <- </td> </tr> </table> <li>The New Dinaari Caption Competition! is a House-wide competition on the forums. It's very easy to participate in, and IT'S A FAST WAY FOR LOW-RANKING MEMBERS TO ADVANCE. Hint Hint. Details:

<li>Dark Fire Brigade Headquarters is a competition for the members in the...drumroll...Dark Fire Brigade! Everyone it applies to, check it out. Seriously. Details:

<li>ICTE December X-Travaganza! The X makes it sound cooler. And Sexier. Every Saturday the ICTE runs on IRC in the #outerrim channel. For the month of December, will run the entire day (EST) on Saturday, from midnight to midnight. Also, double (2 times) the CFs will be awarded for all games. Go go go play!

<li>For other competitions, check the competitions page at the bottom of this report.

<table width="100%" border="2"> <tr> <td bgcolor="black">**** -> DJB News <- </td> </tr> </table> <li>Clan Naga Sadow needs a new Consul. Lolz. <li>Clan Tarentum needs a new Consul. Even MORE Lolz. <li> For more DB News, check out the...News Page!

<table width="100%" border="2"> <tr> <td bgcolor="black">**** -> Other Stuff <- </td> </tr> </table> <li>The amount of AWOLed APPs is just annoying. People. earn your promotions. It really doesn't take more than an hour to do the stuff required to get to ACO. <li> I'm so, so tired. And cranky. And I didn't want to do this report. But Penny made me. :(

-> <table width="50%" border="1"> <tr> <td bgcolor="black">****<center>Important Links</center></td> </tr> </table> <-

-> Dark Brotherhood -

Message Boards -

Dark Brotherhood Wiki -

Dark Brotherhood Competitions Listing -

Antei Combat Center -

Shadow Academy -

Dark Side Codex -

Dark Covenant -

Clan Taldryan -

Taldryan Codex -

Competitions Page -

IRC Guide -

Summit Members -

Consul Duga Taldrya Arkarso ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Proconsul Chaosrain Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Dinaari Quaestor and Envoy Vladet Xavier ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Dinaari Aedile Tarax Eosphoros Kor ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

<- </li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li></li>

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