Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Dark Greetings House Gladius,

Time for my report again. There have been quite a few promotions, medals and Shadow Academy courses this week but I am a little concerned with the activity level of the House. The house, clan and the entire Dark Jedi Brotherhood depends entirely on its members' activity and I think the house as a whole should pull together and participate more. Activity not only helps the House but also you as an individual member. If you are active then you will inevitably be awarded medals or get promoted. Everyone can do something. If you are a writer, then take part in the ACC or writing competitions. If you're a gamer, then take part in gaming nights. If you're a graphical artist, join the competitions available to you. The Brotherhood is a fine club and I encourage all of you to become a bigger part of it by being active.

Another great way to get involved with the Brotherhood is through chatting in IRC. Internet Relay Chat, or IRC, is the Dark Brotherhood's and Clan's main source of communication. If you do not have it, then I highly suggest you download and install it. To find out more about IRC, then refer to the Dark Brotherhood's communications manual.

Now for some real news. Most of you may have noticed that our house has been without a Rollmaster/Envoy since Mistress Telona became Quaestor. We have chosen a new Rollmaster and he is: Jedi Hunter Martumal. I look forward to working with Martumal to make the House a better group, and I'm sure Telona is too. Drinks are on Martumal this week!

That's about it for now. So I'll leave with this little message: Get active! Activity leads to medals and promotions. Have a good week you guys. Now onto the Medals/Promotions/Shadow Academy Course Passes section of the report where I tell you how wonderful you guys are :P!


Kyp Quin-Vos has been promoted to Acolyte! Great job!

Frindsor was promoted to Guardian! Nice!

Severon Bolshev was promoted to Acolyte! Congrats

Shadow Academy Passes:

Dralin Vhett passed the HTML Basics, AOL Instant Messenger, IRC Basics and Krath Grammar Studies. Nice job!


Frindsor got a Legion of Scholar! Yay!

Kyp won a Cluster of Fire and Legion of Scholar! Go Kyp!

Abraxus Macedon won 17 Clusters of Fire! Woohoo!

Deatharoc won a Legion of Scholar! And I am out of positive things to say about winning a medal :P.

That's all folks. Get active, get medals and get promoted. Most of all, have fun and make friends in the clan and in the club. Over and out.

Have a nice week Gladius!

In Darkness,

DJK Deatharoc (Sith)/AED-EP/Gladius of Tarentum [ACC: CL:1]

Cr-3A-2S-4E-2T-2Q / CF-BlF / LS-BL / S:-7P

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