Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

_Another blaster bolt whizzed past the Battlemaster’s head as she rolled out of its way just in time. Regaining her feet in one fluid motion, the Quaestor lashed out as three opponents rushed her with blades drawn. Years of training and experience guided Rasilvenaira’s movements as her own weapon swept low, forcing her attackers to jump back quickly to avoid the strike.

Four more rushed at Rasilvenaira from behind, only to find empty space where the Equite had been just seconds previous. Landing on the ground behind them, the lithe Keraci smirked and jumped to the right once more as another barrage of blaster fire came at her. Weaving and dodging, the Battlemaster’s reactions were guided by pure instinct, her mind completely immersed in the thrill of battle.

One by one the opponents dropped, unable to match the Sith’s skill and endurance. Smirking, the Quaestor settled into a relaxed stance as she let her gaze drift over each of the journeymen. Many had settled on the floor, others leaned against the wall as they tried to catch their breath.

“Not bad, a couple of you even got close. Keep up the training and practice when you can.”

Encouraged by the Quaestor’s approval of their efforts, the students all began moving back to their places as the Combat Trainer stepped forward, bowing to Rasilvenaira as he resumed the training class.

As she left the training hall and began the walk back to her own office, Rasilvenaira glanced down at the small hole in her outer robes. “Hmm, one got a bit closer than they should have. Looks like I need to step up my own personal training.” She thought to herself. _

Greetings all,

House News:

First big news is that the CSP Winter Games has finished and the results are out. Huge congrats to all members of Caliburnus that placed: Yzarc, Nokkon, Corin, Syphoc, Zeron, and even myself. Thanks also to everyone else who participated. The event was a major success.

Also, Caliburnus’ own winter competition has finished and the results are out. Congratulations to the Supreme Insane Bunnyhopper- Syphoc who took an overwhelming first place, followed up by the other mad Bunnyhoppers, Corin and Nokkon who placed second and third respectively. We had several other participants, and hopefully everyone had fun.

In other House news, we have a house wide Runon Competition called Krath’s Tome going, this event is being organized and run by Xathia.

The runon can be found here: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=4958

I strongly encourage all of you to read over the runon and post, runons are great opportunities to build your cooperative and creative writing skills. Also the top three best posters will be getting shinies.

House Direction:

Right now House Caliburnus is doing very well, activity is up and we’ve got several promising new faces that have joined our ranks. Yzarc and I have been working on organizing some new competitions for the House, keep an eye out for those coming soon.

Also, remember that this is your House too. If there is something you would like to see as a member of House Caliburnus, competitions, events, projects that you would like to see happen, please email me and Yzarc, and we’ll see what we can make happen. This is your chance to help shape the direction this House goes in, take part and be involved!

Let’s all work together to keep House Caliburnus flying high. We can make this the year of Caliburnus!!

House Plans:

The major project in the works is our House Facilities project. This huge project involves the detailed description and mapping of our Planet, House Headquarters, and our other facilities such as Dynasty Station and the Alberigo Outpost. I am hoping to have at least a large portion of this project completed by the end of January. My gratitude to those dedicated members assisting me with this massive undertaking.

Once our Facilities document is complete and our Dominion Document is polished up, I will be adding them to our House website which will also receive a major overhaul and some serious and needed updating.

We will also be doing some major updating and editing of our House related wiki pages, adding some pages, rewriting some others, so that all of the wiki pages are as current and correct as possible.

Featured Competitions:

Krath’s Tome:


Nothing Lasts Forever:


Closing Thoughts:

“Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill.” ~ Buddha

That quote is something I think everyone needs to remember. It is easy sometimes to forget when we’re dealing with people online that people still have feelings, and even though email and IRC and such allow us to communicate with each other, they fail to convey the things you would notice in talking to someone in person. So it is hard to see when someone is joking or if they’re upset. What we say and do each day impacts everyone that we come in contact with, and because of that, we must strive to remember that our words and actions are our responsibility. Think before you speak, it’s a sage piece of advice, and one I encourage everyone to remember. Granted, we’re all individuals and everyone is going to have moments when emotions override common courtesy, but if we are constantly aware of how our words and actions affect others, a lot of trouble can be avoided.

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.” ~ Buddha

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