Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report

ProConsul Report

January 18, 2008

Deep in the caves below Ohmen

Lucien sat in quiet meditation, legs folded in a very uncomfortable Lotus position. He often wondered why he sat in this god awful position, his knees always hurt for days afterward, no matter how much time he spent in the bacta spa. For some reason it calmed him more to sit like this than in a regular chair, especially when he needed to have peace and quiet and reflection.

We are already knee deep in the New Year, which is going to be an exciting and rewarding time for Clan Scholae Palatinae. I have created a project list that I have sent off to Phoenix and I will be implementing all of them in the very near future. The full list is at the bottom of this report, in case you see something that catches your eye that you wish to assist with.

First off, let me start with some “bad” news. The “All-Stars” Competition is hereby suspended until further notice. I will be reworking the details to be geared more toward overall activity rather than just one or two areas.

Secondly, I want to talk briefly about something that has been digging at me for some time now. I look around the DB, I listen into conversations when people think I’m not there, and what I see is that we treat our members the best out of any Clan in the DB, but we could be even better. This brings me to my overall theme and goal for 2008. I wish to instill some “core values” within the Clan and her leadership so that we can be the very best that we possibly can. These core values are as such: Integrity First, Service Before Self, and Excellence in all we Do. I’d like to address each topic separately.

Integrity First.

Read that again. And again. And again until it sinks in. First and foremost, we must preserve our integrity and the integrity of the Clan at all times. This means more than just speaking the truth when asked a question. It means that each member of this Clan should hold themselves to the highest standards the DB could possibly ask for. This means clean competitions, truthful statements to anyone, and generally treating others the way you wish to be treated. If you wish to be treated badly, then perhaps you should find another Clan.

Service Before Self

While we are all here to further our own rank and stature within the DB, we must also realize that the best way to do so is to serve your Clan and your Brotherhood without thinking about what is in it for you first. If you serve and work towards the greater good, then rewards and accolades will inevitably come your way. Try to think of the whole picture rather than just your piece.

Excellence in All We Do.

This means exactly what it says. While submitting to a competition for submission sake is ok for some, I do not feel that it is up to the standard of CSP. We should strive to win every competition we enter, or we should not enter at all. I would rather see 4 quality submissions from people who want to win than see 20 low quality submissions from people who simply want to say that they submitted to a competition for one reason or another.

If you have been in the US Air Force or know someone who has, you will most likely recognize these core values, as they are the same that the USAF holds. I truly believe that these core values apply to everyday life, and life in the DB as well and if we strive to follow them on a daily basis, then there is no way that Taldryan can stay on top forever. This brings me nicely into my next topic.

Bringing the Giant Down

Over the next few months, I will be running a series of competitions designed solely to bring down Taldryan in the next Vendetta/DB Wide Competition. Second place is the first loser in my mind and if we follow core value #3, there should be no way that Tal can take us. We know that we can hold our ground against them, but to beat them we must step up to the next rung on the ladder and force our dominance. So, be on the lookout for specific Tal-Killer competitions over the next few months.

Competitions within the Clan

Aside from the Tal-Killers, I will host competitions monthly for the entire Clan. In approximately June or July, I will be hosting a Ward-Based competition that should push the boundaries of our Wards to the limit. It will be an interesting new concept I’ve been dreaming up and I think that everyone will enjoy it.

Clan vs. Clan Feud

In the next month or so, I will be in contact with the PCONs from the various Clans to gauge interest in a Feud. My first stops will be our natural enemies, Arcona, followed by Plagueis and so on down the line. Be prepared for this!

Project list

Below you will find my 2008 Project List. If there is anything on this list that you would like to help out with, please let me know.

1.Website Re-design


b.New imagery

c.New Content

2.Facilities 3d modeling

3.Clan vs. Clan Competition

4.Inter-Clan Competitions

5.Ward Based Competition

6.Weekly mentorship emails

7.Reorganize the All Star competition

8.Creation of the CSP Newsletter

9.“Activity or AWOL” program

10.Promotional fiction pieces

11.Artifacts of CSP

12.Promotional guidelines revisit

13.Active Master/Student Program integrated into the new website

14.Graphics for the Legions of Scholae including uniforms, armor, and weapons.


If you are interested in any of these projects, please let me know.


Life is about to get real busy for me until April 15th. I will still be around and operating as your PCON to full capacity, so no worries on that front. However, expect a longer judging period for all Clan Competitions until that date. I will do my best to judge them all within 72 hours, but some days it may not be possible, so please bear with me.

Also, I will be putting up a poll on the message boards about the CSP Newsletter. I ask that you all contribute. The link is:

Also, if you have not participated in the Master/Student Program poll on the message boards, please do so as soon as possible. The link for that forum is:

That completes the first PCON report of 2008. I hope you all enjoyed it and more information will be forthcoming in future reports!

~Prelate Lucien Kaeth

ProConsul of Scholae Palatinae

Acting Knight Class Envoy of Scholae Palatinae

Order of the Pterodactyl: Robster Craw

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