Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

BTL Report #1


Tash walked through the halls of the Marakith Skyhook with a proud look on his face. It was his first week as BTL and he had to report to his members the disappointment that he had with the BTs activity.

Tash stepped into his office and stopped to look at all his war banners, He thought of the stories that went with each banner. The medals, promotions, the battles. All of which shaped him into the Jedi Hunter you see before you today. But…none of that would have been possible if Tash didn’t follow under Great leaders... but now...Tash was the Leader. Tash would have to shape all of his men into the future leaders of Clan Naga Sadow. Tash was the leader now.

Tash then sat down in his chair and set his papers in front of him. He then got on the intercom and Barked “Now Here This! All Jade Serpents members report to my office ASAP!” after a few minuets went buy the first member walked into the room. It was Fenris carrying his books as usual. After Fenris came Vorion they took there seats. After a few more minuets the rest of the members pilled in and took there seats.

“Who are you people?” He asked.

Fenris quickly replied “Sir! We are the members of the battle team Jade Serpents. Sir!”

Tash replied “Ahhh, spoken true and proud. But…you must be mistaken. The Jade serpents are an extremely active battle team. You and Vorion and Drael are the only one that has done anything in the past week! Surely you don’t expect me to believe this is my battle team!?!”

Vorion Replied “Sir…it may be sad but…yes this is you battle team.”

Tash replied “Ahhh…well that is coming to an end right now! I do not tolerate non-activity. Because this is the first week under my leadership I shall be lenient. In the future don’t expect even the slightest bit of tolerance.

Tash then Barked “So? What are you waiting for? Get out there and kill some Vong! Burn there mongrel Hides and bring CNS back to Glory!

Report Introduction

Greetings members of the battle team Jade Serpents. I must say I am disappointed. Where is the activity!?! I want more comps to be done, more test to be taken, and more glory to be bestowed upon our name. I have settled into my new position and I will be working closely with Ylith to keep everything running smoothly. I have 2 competitions coming. And the trivia questions shall be coming out shortly after this report, so keep an eye on you mail box! And earn those shinnies! grins

Now onto the achievements!



There has been only one award awarded this week. BUT…This is not going to be a pattern. I mean really…you need to participate in comps for promos and who doesn’t want shinies? :P

Drael has gotten a crescent with a quartz star!

Great job!


There have only been 2 promos this week. Again I want all of you to work hard and Get that promo!

Fenris has been promoted to Acolyte

Vorion has been promoted to Acolyte


There has been a huge amount of test taking from Fenris! But what about the rest of you? Where are your tests?

Fenris has passed: Sith Core, Leadership fundamental, Training saber, Force Philosophy, obelisk core, Pre republic history, Old republic history, history of sith 3 snd sith alchemy. Great Job!

Vorion has passed: Irc Basics. Great Job!


Please give Vorion a warm welcome!

Vorion has joined Jade Serpents!


Fen has completed an outstanding number of test!

Want to be the next star member? the just take tests or do comps like theres know tommorow and YOU COULD BE NEXT!

Well that’s it for my first ever report as BTL! I hope you all liked and please…give me more work and fill up the achievements portion!

Signed and sealed

Tash Dreytila Yamayura

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