Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Aedile Report

House Cestus of Clan Tarentum

Dark Jedi Knight Kazarelth Talismarr.

 "Engulfed In Fire And Darkness, Shrouded In Mist And Flame."  


Dark Greetings, my brethren.

And hello. I am your Aedile (Second in command of the House), Dark Jedi

Knight Kazarelth Talismarr, and this is my fourth report as Aedile of the

reopened Cestus.

Karel Tarentae, our QUA is unavaliable for around a week and a half. So all your queries are to be submitted to me and Sato Tarentae, the RM.

In the news: CLAN COMPETITION! Yes, members of Cestus, the long awaited Clan comp. is here! I'd like to see each and every one of you participate in this, as there are things for everyone in this!

This, as you see, hogs both the "News" and the "Activities" spots. Our Consul, along with the senior members of our Clan, has gone to great lengths to bring this about. So, let's make it worth all the trouble.

Here are the important links and what not.

1.) Clan comp. website:

2.) Run On URL:

You will find the details of each of the several competitions in the website.

And don't be afraid to ask me or Sato about anything. We're here to help :)


Huldrych was promoted to PRT! Long awaited, this :P

Hopefully more after the Clan comp. :)


Saitou was awarded a Crescent with an Emerald star for his submission to the Sumotori Laughter fest comp. We need more activity from all you oldies :P

And definitely more after the Clan comp. =P

Transfers In:

APP Godlygamer

APP Jurr Hai

APP Kade Razak

All three from the Shadow Academy.


Clan Competition. Clan Competiton. Clan Competition. Clan Competition. AND Clan Competiton. And, before I forget, the Clan Competiton. :P

Apart from the Decoding comp., don't forget to CC all your submissions to Sato and me.


So, House members. Are we ready for a large amount of shinies coming our way? :P

And I still haven't received word from all of you on your interests. Do send them.

House Cestus Roster

Membership: 21. {+3 from 04/01/2008}


Quaestor: Sith Battlemaster Karel Tarentae.

Aedile: Dark Jedi Knight Kazarelth Talismarr.

Roll Master: Sith Battlemaster Sato Tarentae.


Dark Jedi Master Sith Bloodfyre-Tarentae

Krath Pontifex Saitou Tarentae

Sith Warlord Welshman Corsair Erinos Tarentae

Obelisk Exarch Zekk

Sith Battlelord Ma'ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir.

Obelisk Prelate X-Pilot.

Sith Warrior Xayun Erinos.

Guardian Shiten.

Protector Seth En-Saeur

Protector Akth'uldryc'hasse

Acolyte vampre.

Acolyte ShadowReaper.

Novice Sabbastian Cyrinic

Novice Kamuul.

Apprentice Kai'el Pyros.

Apprentice Godlygamer

Apprentice Jurr Hai

Apprentice Kade Razak

House Cestus website:

Clan Tarentum website:

Dark Jedi Brotherhood News:

Competitions Center:


DJK Kazarelth Talismarr (Krath)/AED/Cestus of Tarentum.

Captain of the B/CR Reqiuem.

Lt. Cdr. in the Tarentum Navy.

Apprentice to KPN Saitou Tarentae.

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