Aedile Report


Aedile Report

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House Dorimad Sol Aedile Report

_ January 28, 2008 _


<font color="#808080"><b>House Dorimad Sol, </b>

_ After nearly three days without any words between the Quaestor and the Aedile, Dakari finally decided to break the silence. As he wandered the plain drab halls of the House’s shoddy snow base, he pondered what he should tell the Aedile to do. The house had inhabited the small smugglers base for nearly 9 months now and cabin fever was setting in. Earlier that day Dakari had witnessed two journeymen quarreling over an excessively moot point, the color of the snow. One said pure white, one said just white. “What the hell…” Dakari thought to himself, a reasonable assessment for any sane man in this given situation.

Dakari finally approached the Aedile’s door and immediately entered. Much to his surprise, Kat Pridemore was the first person he saw. She sat across from the Aedile, twirling her hair around her finger like a flirtatious school girl. Much to her surprise, Dakari provided no warning that he was coming. She paused, stiff as stone. Too embarrassed to move, she turned back to the Aedile, flush in the face.

“I’m not disturbing anything, am I?” He inquired.

“Of course not Dakari, Please, Come in. Can I get you anything? A Drink perhaps?” Thran replied, attempting to divert the Quaestor’s attention from the Krath Priestess.

“No. I will be quick… I hate this place. We live in a hole. Get out of the office and build me a castle.” Dakari said firmly as Kat made a break for the door.

“A castle? Dak…I can’t do that.” Thran said, eying his flirtatious house mate as she disappeared into the corridor.

“You will find all the funds transferred from the Clan account into a private account. I am not much for management, so you’ll have to do it. Plus…It is really frackin’ cold outside.” Dakari said, passing a datapad across the Aedile’s desk.

With a blank stare from Thran, Dakari added one last comment. “Do a good job and I will be sure to not to tell your wife about what I saw today…”

To Be Continued…_

<font color="#F62817"> <b>NEWS</b></font>

<font color="#808080">Ladies and Gentlemen, I welcome you to the 8th wonder of the world...

Well, week two. Things are going well, I believe. We have seen a great deal of activity from lots of members. Thank you to all of you who participated in the competitions I set up for you. I will try my best to stay on top of having activities for you all to do. If you have a suggestion for the types of competitions, let me know. If you saw one that you thought “Hey, that sucks.”, let me know too. My goal is to please the members of the house, I don’t run competitions that I can’t enter for fun you know!

Generally speaking, I would like to see more overall activity. Dante has been pwnin it up in ITCE, where are the rest of the obbies at?

Also, a brief side note…I think I have become a bit rusty at ACC battles. If anyone is interested in going a round or two with the Master of Disaster (that me, for the record), send me a challenge! I would love the opportunity to carve some people up!

Welcome to House Dorimad Sol: Apprentice Zephyr! Apprentice DarkLadyLena! Novice Castor Roke! Yay HDS! YAY! Drinks are on me tonight!

Awards: Malevolent Blade, 3 CFs. Cethgus, 7 CFs. Prajna, 20 CFs. Dante, 1 Amethyst & 2 Emerald Crescents, 28 CFs. Robin, 23 CFs, 1 Quartz Crescent. Kat, 1 Emerald Crescent.

Shadow Academy: Dante: Capital Starship, Sith Alchemy, Astronomy. RH: Sith Core. Zephyr: ACC Initiates. Malevolent Blade: Weapons Basic, Lightsaber Studies, Wiki Basics. Korvyn: Sith Core, Lighsaber Studies, Wiki Basics, Conflict Mediation. Rohak: Sith Core, Weapons Basics.


Banshee Brigade:

New Years Resolutions

Give your three resolutions! Read for more details! ENDS SOON!


Create a Logo

Use your Graphical powers to make a bad arse logo for HDS!

Jedi Reversals

Test your comic might with some simple one liners!

Blood Diamonds…

What is your recipe for a good Synthetic Crystal, share your secrets!

Bartender! I’ll have one of those!

Best drinks in the world are the ones you have no clue about what could be in them! Come up with a Star Wars Drink for us to drink together!


WAR! Banner

Make happy images for Lucien’s warbanner!

Custom Lightstick

Make a happy lightsaber for Lucien…Cause he is a bum…

Nothing Lasts Forever

A Ward Fiction Competition…Write the death of your character.


What Dreams May Come:

The Future is a scary place! Write about your time in 137 ABY!


Fiction Tribune poems! Silly Krath!

Balance (GFX)

More Fiction Tribune stuff…Only with Graphics! Yay!


<font color="#F62817"> <b>MONTHLY FOCUS</b></font>

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Monthly Focus…Hmm…

COMMUNICATION! You gotta talk to me people!! I’m getting lonely…Is anyone listening anymore? Hello? Anyone?


<font color="#F62817"> <b>THE INSIDE EDITIONS</b></font>

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Nothing yet…I am working on some major stuff involving the House Facilities…See story about building a castle above… Also, got some history and junk working too…It will all come together in time.</font>

<font color="#F62817"> <b>RANDOM THOUGHTS</b></font>

<font color="#808080"> What do you call a Jedi with no arms and legs in the middle of HDS? F**KED!</font>

SBL Thran Occasus (Sith)/AED/Dorimad Sol of Scholae Palatinae [ACC: CL:3]

GC-PoDP / SC-SoF / AC-ToDS / DC-SiP / GN / SN / BN / Cr-4A-6S-10E-5T-3Q / CF-GF / SI / SoL-TC / LS-AuL / S:-5Al-3D-1Do-4Dk-8P

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