Fiction Tribune Report


Fiction Tribune Report


• Fiction Forum—Still looking for a better fictional name for this. Also created some sub-forums for better organization. Member Fiction will eventually come to house all the fiction currently under the primary forum. Star Wars Literature (such as it is) Discussion & Review will be used to talk about the underwhelming minority of decent Star Wars books out there and hopefully help members make up their minds on what to read and what to skip.

• Dark Side Scroll—Since awarding these for word-counts has been done away with, I'm going to award them for work submitted that is selected to underpin official DB fiction. The first example is with the new competition: Background Checks... where the selected entries will become DB canon.


Include ID Line and PIN on the document and put [Fiction] in the subject of the email.

• Results of Last Month

What Dreams May Come

1st - Ashura 4782 Clan Naga Sadow

2nd - Caedes 8664 Clan Arcona

3rd - Eludajae 9119 Clan Scholae Palatinae

Balance (Poetry)

1st - Werdna 293 Clan Taldryan

2nd - Dalthid 2563 Rogue

3rd - Rasilvenaira 7370 Clan Scholae Palatinae

Balance (GFX)

1st - Nirnaeth 7536 Clan Taldryan

2nd - Joseem 7275 Clan Naga Sadow

3rd - Braecen 4520 Clan Plagueis

• Participation

Sidarace 9193

Joseem 7275

Ashura x2 4782

Pertinax 8441

Nirnaeth x2 7536

Eludajae x3 9119

Braecen 4520

Werdna 293

Dalthid 2563

Caedes 8664

Rasilvenaira 7370

• This Month

Time of War: Intercept—This is a three-part competition that will run through April. It combines fiction with a few puzzles for some variety.

Background Checks...—This is the first of several competitions designed to help flesh-out some of the DB's fictional areas. Rather than Crescents, these competitions will award DSS's to selected entries.

• Coming Next Month

Swordhand—One-shot competition dealing with the mentoring of students in the various lightsaber forms.


• Dark Council Armed Forces—This project serves to quantify and organize the military assets that fall under the OrBat of the DC and Iron Throne. It takes shape in several excel sheets and word documents and will eventually have several new wiki pages. I'm also creating some nice imagery for this project.

• In-character News Page—This will be a tabbed page within the main news site that allows various members to post in-character news items and other fictional material in a more appropriate setting. It will also be the primary conduit for the DB story.

• Discipline System—This is something I've been working on to return meaning to Orders, add some fictional depth to our characters, and tie together various Brotherhood systems of play so that what you do in one system, or get from it, will apply elsewhere. This is a small part of the black project we refer to as "KotOR'ization." This project is still waiting for some other systems to come online and coding support, but some of its elements may be seen soon.

• Plot Updates—This is a big part of what needs to be happening with the fiction tribune scope of operations. We intend for whoever holds this post to be your conduit to the continuous Brotherhood storyline. The first of these updates has been done for some time and we're waiting for some other projects to be released to put it out. This will see another revision so that it reflects some of the items we've been working on that are soon-to-be-released.


I recommend naming it the "Forum for Dark Journeys".

That's what we used to call Halc's ass.

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