Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


Dark Greetings House Marka Ragnos,

Yes, again with the crap Paint graphics, but it is seems no-one wants to make their QUA have cool looking graphics in his report… oh well, just means you’ll just have to put up with what I can create. Read on… if your eyes don’t hurt too much already. :P


Black Guard of the Quaestor

Do you think you have what it takes to become my Black Guard, to assist me in Clan related projects and come to Conclave (Clan meetings) once a month? Then now is your chance to stand above the rest and say, “I can, I can!”


  • Leadership Fundamentals Passed

  • Leadership Passed


House Development - Disciples of Ragnos

As I mentioned in my last report, the "Disciples of Ragnos" are the fictional governing body of House Marka Ragnos to oversee the continuing practice of the dark doctrine established by Sith Lord Marka Ragnos.

The position of Dark Librarian will be given to February House Champion for the whole month of March. This means, fictionally, that whoever is House Champion gets to be part of the House Council, and all the knowledge in the Dark Library would be theirs to access, untold dark side knowledge, the ancient lore of the Sith Lord Marka Ragnos at their very fingertips. How does one become House Champion? Look the marked House competitions… one being the House Trivia that is running throughout the whole of February.

Now, if you are also interested in helping out in a House related project, then this is your chance. The other House Council positions have yet to be named; if you fancy having a go at creating some title names for me and the rest of the Summit then please send me your suggestions. Remember, being an active and useful member of House can go along way towards getting you promoted or earning shinies.

House Council

<table border="0">


<th>Council Title</th>

<th>Council Membr</th>




<td>Dark Jedi Master Trevarus Caerick</td>




<td>Sith Battlemaster Ashura Isradia</td>




<td>Dark Jedi Knight Faeril Munlear</td>




<td>Krath Priest Sai Keibatsu</td>



<td>TBA </td>

<td>Dark Jedi Knight Jade Atema</td>



<td>TBA </td>

<td>Jedi Hunter Alexander Anderson</td>



<td>Dark Librarian</td>

<td>TBA (House Champion)</td>




Clan Naga Sadow Artisan's Competition is by far the most important competition event to happen in a while. It is strongly recommended that every member participate in this competition; there are some major shines up for grabs as well as a chance to show the House Summit just how active you are…which goes a long way to selecting just who will become February House Champion. Remember to CC myself and Faeril on all entries submitted, otherwise we wont know who is participating and we don’t want anyone to go unmissed when we come to select House Champion.

_CNS Artisan’s Competition

Feb 1/08 – Mar 1/08


Clan Run-On: Song of the Void

A run-on involving the Clan assaulting a Vong Fleet amassed at Telos. Underlying theme would be the use of preemptive force to protect the Orian System from a potential threat. 2nd Level Crescents

Essay: What it means to be an Heir to the Empire.

Category One: In character; An essay that describes a character narrating their vision of what it means to be in Clan Naga Sadow.

Category Two: Out of Character; An essay that describes your personal feelings about what it means to be in Clan Naga Sadow.

Platforms: Writing

Awards: 3rd Level Crescents in each category.

Humor: The Rant.

Write a coherent but long-winded speech about any topic in the style of Xanos. Longest entry wins. 3rd level Crescents

Fiction: Rallying the troops in the face of aggressive action, what does character do to prepare for such a battle… and how will they take advantage of the chaos of battle for personal gain? 3rd level crescents.

Fiction: Fred Fred the seal has been kidnapped and taken to the dangerous planet of Thor. we must get him back at all costs! Write a 2+ page fiction on how you found and retrieved Fred the Seal. stories may be Funny or Serious. E-mail entrys to Tash at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] please but Freds Saved in the subject. (As Part of his Knighthood Trials)

Poetry: Write a war-song. Glorify the Clan through words that will bring glory and death to the enemies that defeated us.

Poetry/Humor: Write a song to Darth Nephets, imploring his return to lay waste to our alien oppressors. 4th level crescents.


The Battle of Fred the Seal vs Darth Nephets: Participants will play either Nephets or Fred in a humor-minded ACC event, in the Clan Naga Sadow hall. Overall winners will receive 3rd level crescents.


Fred the Seal vs Darth Nephets

I’m drawing a cartoon to be colored by the members. 3rd Level Crescents.

Graphics: Gaming

Part 1: Take a screen shot of an event during a game, and give it a caption that promotes or propagandizes Clan Naga Sadow. 4th level crescents, any platform

Part 2: Take a screen shot of an event during a game, and give it a humorous caption. 4th level crescents, any platform

Trivia: Will be overseen by Xander as part of his Knighthood Trials

Part 1: Weekly trivia about Clan Naga Sadow’s history, via email. Legion of the Scholar awarded to each event’s 1st, and 2nd, overall winners 3rd level crescents.

Part 2: Weekly trivia within each House, via email, about the history of the particular House. Legion of the Scholar awarded at each event, 4th level crescents to overall winners._

Oh yeah! The run-on, I have to say (since I am also doing it), is great fun. I’m going to whip out Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast to get some screenshots done as well as see if I can get the longest rant going; you’re welcome to try and best me.


Unpaired Students

These Journeymen are currently not paired… Now is a chance for all Dark Jedi Knights and above to take on the role a Master and tutor one (or two) of these hopefuls to Knighthood.

Guardian Telos [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]

Protector VanWyck [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]

Protector Kyrath Amaranthi [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]

Protector Kraytirous Shalluat [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]] LoA

House Revamp Proposal

This is still currently being debated by our Consul and Proconsul. When I get news of what they think, then rest assured it shall be passed along to the rest of the House.


New Members

Tritherus and Zeliek Rivendare are the newest additions to House Marka Ragnos. Also our very own Jalor klenstan has returned to his House; welcome back… and remember to set your LOA next time around. ;)


Ashura Isradia has been awarded a Crescent with Ruby Star (2/5/08)

Jalor klenstan has been awarded a Crescent with Quartz Star (2/5/08)

Tekryn Fenkath has been awarded a Crescent with Topaz Star (2/5/08)

Tekryn Fenkath has also been awarded x 5 Cluster of Fire (2/5/08)

Zaroth has been awarded a Cluster of Fire (2/5/08)

Shadow Academy

Dark Brotherhood Basics Passed:

  • Tritherus (2/4/08)

Pre-Republic History Passed:

  • Tritherus (2/4/08)


No promotions to report.

Antei Combat Center

The battle DJK Faeril Munlear vs. SBM Shikyo Sasuke Keibatsu has been judged.

DJK Faeril Munlear is victorious!

The battle SBM Ylith Atema vs. KP Tyren Atema has been judged.

SBM Ylith Atema is victorious!


Dark Adept Astronicus Sadow, our Clan Overlord and Viceroy of the Dlarit Corporation, currently has a Clan-wide competition going where histories of various Non-Playable Characters in the Dlarit Corporation need to be written.

The list of NPCs for the competition are:

Vice Admiral Larin Gendash

Colonel Wes Terol

Captain Terr Rineval

Major Syle Deth

Commander Dalus Rikes

Lieutenant Colonel Gan Thelos

Lieutenant Sam Vendras

Lieutenant Cyril Tygh

Captain Javin Thorm

Major Malc'harno'kleoni

Commander Amerobe Gell

Lieutenant Colonel Char Re'em

Lieutenant Dar Mechal

Colonel Valin'or'alani

Lieutenant Colonel Larris Zitrul

Major Canar'mo'iflar

Captain Kel Drassir

Lieutenant Colonel Kala Miros

Major Taras Myzul

Captain Tor Vaxill

Captain Ellia Sharlintier

For more information on what roles they play in the CNS OoB visit the DJBWiki page by clicking here.

Also, click here for the full competition details.

Here are also the usually links:


D-SOG Troopers.

Dlarit Corporation.

D-SOG Dark Jedi Roster

Marshal Commander Raistlin Sadow

Marshal Commander Janos Silverwulf Sadow

Senior Commander Nekura Manji Keibatsu

Senior Commander Ashura Isradia

  • Governor of Tarthos and ISDII Harbinger Commissar

Senior Commander Raven

Senior Commander Tyren Atema

Senior Commander Sai Na'Ashar Keibatsu

  • Sadow Palace Prefect

Senior Commander Vladek

Commander Jade Atema

Commander Shuang Long

Commander Faeril Munlear

  • Personal Aid to the Governor of Tathos*

Commander Alexander Anderson

Lieutenant Commander Scuslem

Lieutenant Commander Ekeia Iclo [LoA]

Lieutenant Commander Storm

Lieutenant Commander Telos

Lieutenant Commander Nero Pennant

Subcommander Zaroth

Subcommander VanWyck

Subcommander Kyrath Amaranthi

Subcommander Kraytirous Shalluat [LoA]

Subcommander Arfalax

Subcommander Tekryn Fenkath [LoA]

Subcommander Sakura Haruno

Subcommander Tritherus

Subcommander Daren Jai Kaleb Stanford

Subcommander Vo Spader

Subcommander Jalor klenstan

Subcommander Stuka van dar

Subcommander Teu

Subcommander Angaloia

Subcommander Karig Dolor

Subcommander Abner

Subcommander Exur Kahn

Subcommander Xaru

Subcommander Kazimirn Radoslav

Subcommander K'li

Subcommander Zeliek Rivendare

Raistlin and Janos have both been promoted to the rank of Marshal Commander due to them being Sons of Sadow.

*Personal Aid to the Governor of Tathos is a fictional title I created for Faeril to aid in her (fictional) duties as Aedile.


Thus we come to the end of another report, as you can see I have used a lot of hyperlinks and graphics. Hopefully this report wont turn out a mess…heh, but I need to keep finding a way to spice things up to you all interested in reading these reports. ;)

Oh, and before I completely forgot… a House wide AWOL check is scheduled for this month; so remember to be active and if you are going to be away from your computer remember to use the Leave of Absence function in your dossiers Admin.

Anyway, as always my door is always open, [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or just look for Ashura on IRC.

For the glory of Sadow, and House Marka Ragnos

Sith Battlemaster Ashura Isradia

Knight First Class

Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos

Governor of Tarthos

ISDII Harbinger Commissar

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