Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Cuchulain punched down into the Comm-link controls, the metal groaning and shards of toughened plastic and electricity buzzing around his fist. RevengeX shook his head in dismay as the holographic image of CSP's ProConsul disappeared.

"They are weak fools. Withdrawing at this stage when we were set to strike is not a good move."

The Aedile pulled a thin sliver of metal from between his knuckles and the wound almost instantly healed. "They rattle their sabres then skulk away at the first opportunity. In the mean time Caliburnus and Dorimal Sol look as though they will weaken one another over some minor disagreement, leaving Acclivis Draco as the seat of power once more in the Clan."

"As if there were any doubt about that anyway." The Quaestor thumbed through his datapad, auto-forwarding all menial messages that required some work doing for his Aedile to sort. He moved over towards the view-port of the office, over-looking one of the Acclivis Draco training grounds, the new Battle Team Leaders mustering their troops, laying out their plans, other members dotted around conducting their own training. "Honing skills is all good and well, but it doesn't get people to their best, and with enemies everywhere we need to be at our best. They need to use their weapons in anger. They need to feel the difference in shooting a target and lining up the sights of a weapon on a live enemy."

"Be careful what you wish for, Revvy..."

Dark dudes and dudettes!

It's been a busy couple of weeks since my last report. There has been a total of twenty-five SA courses completed, twenty-two medal requests approved (some with multiple medals!) and five promotions (with at least another one currently in the pipe-line!). Yay. You people make me smile! So keep up the great work and keep pushing yourselves forward.

Surely there's more scope for more SA courses to be completed. It's been a while since I've seen a Degree notification email pop through my inbox... :)

The story above refers to the fact that a Clan vs. Clan competition that was in the pipeline has fallen through, but that does not matter, cos we’ve got:-

Competition X (Working title)

An as-yet un-named House Competition is on its way, currently being devised by myself and RevengeX, being launched in the next week or so depending on who quickly the web-site can be sorted. This competition will give you the opportunity to write some history in the annuls of House Acclivis Draco, build more information into the make-up of our planet and its indigenous species, and pit yourself against the other members of the House.

As far as possible I have attempted to cover all of the aspects of the DB, such as all the Krath-type writing/poetry/graphics stuff, ACC things, and gaming. I'll also try and slide some short fast and easy stuff in there too. Expect to be harassed by myself and RevengeX, and if you are in a Battle Team your BTL will no doubt be haranguing you into taking part and getting the edge on your sister Battle Team!

Rest assured, RevengeX and I will be kicking the Battle Team Leaders to make sure they are getting you to take part!

Dragon Guard & Ebon Cloak

There are now two Battle Teams re-opened and the Battle Team Leaders are quickly pulling together the info on their Teams, working out what is expected of them and getting on with the job of helping me and Revvy keeping you all active. They are chomping at the bit to help you, so if you have not been allocated to the Team and want to be part of one, then contact the appropriate Team Leader, copying me and RevengeX. Both Yeldarb and Kara are chomping at the bit to help you out; however I and RevengeX have tied their hands slighting because of news further below...

Even though DG and EC have re-opened, there is still no sign of Drynwyn's Flame. Hopefully there will be the scope for a third Battle team opening in the future, but with Drynwyn's Flame historically being the Elite BT, with very high standards of entry then that demand must be there first before the ancient flaming sword is dusted off in the Quaestor's chamber. Those high standards and the unwavering insistence that they be adhered to was the reason for DF closing down, as there were not many people who could keep those standards up. It has been a long time, but perhaps there are those within the House now who could do this. You just have to prove it first…

All Competitions

The competition listing has been updated again and can be found via the link below. I would suggest that on Monday the House Competition will be listed on there also, even if it has not yet been launched...

Leaders and Members

What with my own current RL situation, and with the two new Leadership roles which have opened up in the House I have been thinking about this a lot. Indeed, following the Quaestor’s initial address to Kara and Yeldarb, mine and RevengeX’s inboxes have been filled with requests for guidance over how much scope the new leaders have, and what is completely expected of them. Both have now made their addresses to their respective Teams and are throwing themselves into their new roles.

Being given a Leadership role within HAD does not mean that you are put on a pedestal above other HAD members – something which Kara and Yeldarb were well aware of before they even put in their applications. Taking a Leadership position within HAD means you are signing up to a time of servitude for the benefit of the general membership – you are there to serve the members who are placed under your control. Both have embraced this ethos and, following the AWOL checks cutting the wheat from the chaff, the teams we have now are well poised to move forwards, and take the House and Clan to new heights.

It is up to us all as individuals to ensure Acclivis Draco reaches those heights.


KPN Cuchulain Darkblade Palpatine

Aedile and Rollmaster Of Acclivis Draco

RevengeX's Number 1 Bitch

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