Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Cipher sat opposite the one who would help her bring honor and pride to her house... the one whom she had chosen... the one who had proven themselves worthy to be given such a task. Their features were hidden in the feeble light of the Quaestor's office. She knew who sat there... but it had yet to be revealed...

HA HA! You thought I'd tell you who it was in the opening! HA! I know what you want me to say... you want me to say who it is... Well... I'm not telling you yet.

In the coming weeks, you'll see less of the so-and-so did this and so-and-so did that... That will be left for the AEDs reports. My function will become one of other information and I will be aiming to get people involved by creating inspiration. It will be interesting. I promise you.

APP Enforcer Siduko to NOV. Way ta go! :D Another up and comming star...

ACO Mixalius to PRT. Awesome work from the MixMaster lately!

Crescent with Emerald Star - Maol Nor Lexu

Crescent with Topaz Star - Koga Kage

Crescent with Quartz Star - Dismal Dupar

Awesome work people!

SA Courses Passed from Jan 31 - Feb 8th

Force Philosophy - Dismal Dupar

Force Philosophy - Brema Sedul

Dark Maven of Philosophy - Dismal Dupar

Training Saber Course - Mixalius

IRC Basics Course - Mixalius

Pre-Republic History - Vengen Stormshadow

CP History - Mixalius

Krath Grammer Studies - Mixalius

History of the Sith Empire II - Enforcer Siduko

Lots going on at the SA... Keep up the efforts people!


No battles to report.

A big shout out goes to APP Maris Ring! Welcome! Join #plagueis on IRC and have a drink, on the house at Cafe di Plagia!

OT Jaysun Adumarii has returned to his roots. Welcome back old friend! I know I've missed you...

Muahahahaha! Wouldn't you like to know?? Plans within Plans...

I COULD tell you who the AED is here, but that's not cool... :P Oh, the powers of your QUA have shown themselves...

Seriously though... There are a few competitions running that you can still get in on. Check the Competitions page for the actual links, but look for:

Ky's Caption Contest - (on the message boards)

Brae's CP Current Events

Brae's Mark of Death!

Compete and show the house and clan what you've got!

Hmmm... I seem to be running out of things for this section... What haven't I told you?...

I guess I haven't told you that my ancestry is German and Welsh. There... I said it. :P

And now... the moment you've all been waiting for!!!

My AED will be:

->DJK Syphoc Rilkel Kaeth! <-

HA HA!!! I did it again!!!

(No, really... all you have to do is highlight between the arrows with your mouse.)


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