Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

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House Dorimad Sol Quaestor Report

_ February 11th, 2008 _


<font color="#808080"><b>House Dorimad Sol, </b>

_ Two dozen armor clad troopers stormed into the construction area, rifles ready for action. Lead by the Proconsul himself, the Stormtroopers surrounded House Dorimad Sol’s Aedile. Each weapon buzzed as the soldiers aimed them at the man. He stood startled and confused. Lucien stepped into the circle and began to read the directive from the Emperor.

“Battlelord Thran Occasus, Aedile of House Dorimad Sol, You are hereby placed under arrest for insurrection, defamation of the Emperor, and treason. The penalty for this crime is public castration. Anything you say or do will be taken as evidence. Will you cooperate?” The man said, trying his damnedest to keep a straight face.

“I am innocent…of those crimes.” Thran replied.

“You will be allowed to plead your case in front of the Emperor.” Lucien added. “Follow me, please.”

The loyal group of soldiers locked Occasus in a pair of binders and placed a black bag over his head. At the point of 24 E-11 Blaster rifles, the Bakuran was marched to the Proconsul’s Shuttle. They did their best to rough him up a little as they boarded the vessel. His head slammed into the bulkhead as they sat him down. Utterly confused, by this point, Thran called out to Lucien Kaeth.

“Is this necessary? Did Braecen put you up to this?”

“For our safety, reports claim that you attempted to suicide bomb the Quaestor of your own house. There is no telling what you may do. You will be released when we reach the Emperor.” Lucien said smiling, tickled by seeing Thran like this.

The Shuttle shook as it lifted from the ground. Occasus knew instantly what vessel he was aboard. Again, he called out from behind the veil.

“Suicide bomb? That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard… Say Lucien, would you tell the pilot to adjust his trim, it will cut down on the shakiness of atmospheric flight. These Lambdas always were a little rough around the edges.”

“Wow, Admiral…I am impressed.” Lucien replied.

After a short journey, filled with Thran mocking and insulting everyone aboard the Cygnus manufactured Shuttle, the retrieval team arrived on Judecca. They dragged the wrestling Sith from the craft, kicking and screaming. One soldier brought his weapon down onto the Battlelord’s head, knocking him out. Lucien winced, imagining the pain.

When Thran Occasus awoke, it was still dark; his head was still in a bag. Suddenly, a cheer came from a crowd of people. A terrible feeling sank into the pit of his stomach and he swallowed hard. The voice of Phoenix Palpatine, Consul and Emperor filled the air.

“Thran Occasus has been found guilty on all charges. The penalty for which is PUBLIC CASTRATION!”

As he finished his words, the crowd roared with excitement. Phoenix grabbed the bag, and pulled it off the captive Aedile. Blinking in the bright lights, Thran feared the worst. Lucien handed Phoenix a large sword, which he admired fondly. He turn to Occasus and spoke.

“Any last words?”

Thran yelled a panicked reply. “Please…I’ll do anything! Please!”

Phoenix postulated a moment and brought his leg back. With a firm kick to Occasus’ groin, the Consul spoke again.

“No, the look on your face said enough…Congratulations Quaestor…”

To Be Continued…_

<font color="#F62817"> <b>NEWS</b></font>

<font color="#808080">Ladies and Gentlemen, I welcome you to the 8th wonder of the world...

Yeah, so…I am Quaestor! Mondo huge thanks to Dakari for all his work during his time as QUA. Due to personal reasons and lack of availability, Dak has turned the reins of HDS Over to me. Dakari will remain among our ranks. So, if you see him around…give him a pat on the back!

Our very own Prajna Berkana has been selected as our Aedile. PJ and I have a great working relationship and I feel he will fit the role very well! Congrats PJ…Now get to work!

The War between HDS and HC has progressed into week 2. This event is designed to test the might of both houses. HDS barely lost Reclaimation…We can hang with the big dogs…They don’t believe it, so we are going to prove it! Three basic types of competition have been created for this event. Fictions. ACC. And Gaming.

The Fiction events are created by PCON Lucien and are intended to prepare us for Vendetta events. Submissions are really important. Even if you don’t think you can win the event, submitting to the competition is enough to earn HDS some major points! I expect all you to at least attempt the several fiction Competitions!

ACC. The ACC is a great place. Learning to write for these events will make HDS even more formidable than our sister houses expect! A special hall has been created for this event named Dorimad Sol v. Caliburnus. You are allowed 3 matches at a time, so get out there and challenge HC! Stop those punks!

Gaming…I shouldn’t have to explain this to HDS. The Gaming Extravaganza event that PCON Lucien created has been modified for use in the war. The House that is victorious will certainly have the Clan’s best gamers (we’ve basically clinched this event already…). If you have JO or BF2 Challenge me! I will gladly lose to members of the house!

New Report Format. Since I got a change in style here, I am going to need a couple of weeks to lay down what I am doing in my reports…So bear with me!

This is me practicing JO…I know, wicked. I totally pwned that pole.


Also, check out our mad wicked new House History. Its been up for a while now, but the point is all the same! The Wiki has been updated to include some information about the House that was not present before, including…The History(mystery) of Dorimad Sol (the man) and a list of Former leaders! Check it out heres the link! HDS WIKI PAGE

Special thanks to PJ and RH for helping with the HDS History!!!

<font color="#F62817"> <b>RANDOM THOUGHTS</b></font>

<font color="#808080"> Who’s House? Thran’s House, say wha? Marrrtiiin, how you feeling Martiiiin?</font>

SBL Thran Occasus (Sith)/QUA/Dorimad Sol of Scholae Palatinae [ACC: CL:3]

GC-PoDP / SC-SoF / AC-ToDS / DC-SiP / GN / SN / BN / Cr-4A-6S-10E-5T-3Q / CF-GF / SI / SoL-TC / LS-AuL / S:-5Al-3D-1Do-4Dk-8P

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