Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


Dark Greetings House Marka Ragnos,

Here we are again, and I must say we all have been a busy lot since my last report (the majority of it can be seen in Faeril’s recent report). So where do we stand as a House?

We got gamers, we got writers, and we’ve got an active lot of Journeymen as the driving wheel of this House. I think some of our Equites could learn from the shining example set by them; I foresee Dark Jedi Knights in the making, as long as we all remember that activity and participation is the key.

Now, I say participation as right now our driving focus is the Clan Artisan Competition and taking part in it; those of you who have posted in the Clan run-on have been doing good work… keep at it! :D

However there is more to do than just run-on and the Shadow Academy course; there is currently lots and lots of competitions to choose from; from trivia to graphics, to silly rants.

You also need to remember that we are participating against House Ludo Kressh (including the Battleteams). It’s a friendly feud to have fun with; so lets have fun everyone… check out the competition listings below.


House AWOL Check

Yes, that’s right, a House AWOL check is going to be starting tomorrow and run till the following Friday; so please remember to set your LoA status if you are not going to be at a computer during the AWOL check… this will prevent you from going Rogue.

It also seems that this ties in nicely with the Clan fictionally attacking the Vong Worldship in the Clan Artisan Run-On, meaning those of who do not reply can be fictionally explained as never making it back from the mission… scary stuff.

Also a quick reminder that House Summit, Battleteam Leaders and Sons of Sadow are excluded from the AWOL check and do not need to worry about going Rogue.

February House Champion

Remember to CC your House Summit on all competitions so we know you’re active; every activity counts towards becoming House Champion.


Clan Naga Sadow Artisan's Competition

Draw like Malik Comp

Letter puzzle

5 riddles of the Fae

[CNS] HMR QUA BG Competition

[CNS] Stick Wars II

IMPORTANT: Unless otherwise stated, send all Artisan entires to [Log in to view e-mail addresses], and remember to CC Faeril and me so we can count it as activity when we come to choose House Champion at the end of the the month.


Unpaired Students

These Journeymen are currently not paired… Now is a chance for all Dark Jedi Knights and above to take on the role a Master and tutor one (or two) of these hopefuls to Knighthood.

Guardian Telos [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]

Protector Kyrath Amaranthi [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]

Protector Kraytirous Shalluat [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]] LoA

Protector Jalor klenstan [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]

Protector Teu [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]

Protector Zaxen Dauketrenal [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]


New Members

APP bass.ex has joined House Marka Ragnos from the Karana Campus of the Shadow Academy… Welcome!


Storm has been awarded a 20 x Cluster of Fire (2/12/08)

Tekryn Fenkath has been awarded a 17 x Cluster of Fire (2/12/08)

Zaxen Dauketrenal has been awarded a 4 x Cluster of Fire (2/12/08)

Go HMR Gamers!!! ^-^

Shadow Academy

Krath Core Passed:

  • Zaxen Dauketrenal (2/11/08)

Force Philosophy Passed:

  • Tritherus (2/11/08)

Pre-Republic History Passed:

  • Jalor klenstan (2/12/08)

Sith Core Passed

  • Zaxen Dauketrenal (2/12/08)

Conflict Mediation Passed:

  • Teu (2/13/08)

PRT Teu has passed the Training Saber Course (2/13/08)


Jalor klenstan has been promoted from Acolyte to Protector (2/11/08)

Tritherus has been promoted from Acolyte to Protector (2/12/08)

Teu has been promoted from Acolyte to Protector (2/13/08)

Zaxen Dauketrenal has been promoted from Acolyte to Protector (2/13/08)


This list of NPCs still need histories written for them; they are part of the Dlarit Navy Task Force Gamma are serve as useful characters in run-ons:

Vice Admiral Larin Gendash

Colonel Wes Terol

Captain Terr Rineval

Major Syle Deth

Commander Dalus Rikes

Lieutenant Colonel Gan Thelos

Lieutenant Sam Vendras

Lieutenant Cyril Tygh

Captain Javin Thorm

Major Malc'harno'kleoni

Commander Amerobe Gell

Lieutenant Colonel Char Re'em

Lieutenant Dar Mechal

Colonel Valin'or'alani

Lieutenant Colonel Larris Zitrul

Major Canar'mo'iflar

Captain Kel Drassir

Lieutenant Colonel Kala Miros

Major Taras Myzul

Captain Tor Vaxill

Captain Ellia Sharlintier

For more information on what roles they play in the CNS OoB visit the DJBWiki page by clicking here.

Also, click here for the full details and how you can earn shines as well.

Also, those of you currently posting in the Clan Run-On, only the DSOG know of the Clan’s true identity as Dark Jedi; the rest of the Dlarit Corporation simply think that the members of Clan Naga Sadow are Special Ops Commander, remember this… and don’t start waving your lightsaber or training saber out unless its life and death. Also take a look at the D-SOG Dark Jedi Roster to know what rank you hold in D-SOG.

Here are also the usually links:

<a href=" http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/wiki/index.php?title=DSOG" D-SOG.

D-SOG Troopers.

Dlarit Corporation.

D-SOG Dark Jedi Roster

Marshal Commander Raistlin Sadow

Marshal Commander Janos Silverwulf Sadow

Senior Commander Nekura Manji Keibatsu

Senior Commander Ashura Isradia

  • Governor of Tarthos and ISDII Harbinger Commissar

Senior Commander Raven

Senior Commander Tyren Atema

Senior Commander Sai Na'Ashar Keibatsu

  • Sadow Palace Prefect

Senior Commander Vladek

Commander Jade Atema

Commander Shuang Long

Commander Faeril Munlear

  • Personal Aid to the Governor of Tathos*

Commander Alexander Anderson

Lieutenant Commander Scuslem

Lieutenant Commander Ekeia Iclo

Lieutenant Commander Storm

Lieutenant Commander Telos

Lieutenant Commander Nero Pennant

Subcommander Zaroth

Subcommander Tritherus

Subcommander VanWyck

Subcommander Kyrath Amaranthi

Subcommander Kraytirous Shalluat LoA

Subcommander Jalor klenstan

Subcommander Arfalax

Subcommander Tekryn Fenkath LoA

Subcommander Teu

Subcommander Zaxen Dauketrenal

Subcommander Sakura Haruno

Subcommander Daren Jai Kaleb Stanford

Subcommander Vo Spader

Subcommander Stuka van dar

Subcommander Angaloia

Subcommander Karig Dolor

Subcommander Abner

Subcommander Exur Kahn

Subcommander Xaru

Subcommander Kazimirn Radoslav

Subcommander K'li

Subcommander Zeliek Rivendare

Subcommander bass.ex

*Personal Aid to the Governor of Tathos is a fictional title I created for Faeril to aid in her (fictional) duties as Aedile.


Before I sign off on another report, I just wanted to remind everyone that this is your House; which means if you got any ideas you want to try out, any improvements you think the House can benefit from, or if you even want to run a competition (because you can), then just let me know. That is what I am here for, whatever you want (within reason) just let me know.

Anyway, as always my door is always open, [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or just look for Ashura on IRC.

For the glory of Sadow, and House Marka Ragnos

Sith Battlemaster Ashura Isradia

Knight First Class

Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos

Governor of Tarthos

ISDII Harbinger Commissar

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