Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Hi everyone! My back has been out off and on all week. Suck. For those in the US Valentine's Day has come and gone. I hope you guys and girls don't fall for the commercialization of this small holiday. A nice dinner in together, a card, a kiss, and some snuggle time is you should really want. Heck all I wanted was some chocolate covered cherries. You can keep the card, the huge wait lines at restaurants, and all that expensive jewelry.


Everyone welcome Lexor to the House!

The Clan competition is wrapping up I do believe. If you had any thought to maybe write up a little story or put together a flyer then I highly suggest doing that now. After the competition is over we'll start back up on Project Gladius and hopefully get that all finished up. Then we'll have a nice description of our little base and then some all written by you!

The position of House Envoy has been filled by Dralin Hakh'khar. The position of RM has not been filled because no one applied for it. If you are wanting some leadership experience and training this position is a fantastic start. For now the duties will be my responsibility.

The Praxeum has been renamed Arcano Signum and is open to any and everyone looking for a little bit more choice when it comes to activities. If you are interested in joining the BT please email Dralin, Deatharoc, and myself. BTs are fantastic ways to meet new faces, be active, and just plain have fun.

I try to be online is in the evenings about 3:30 pm EST off and on through about 9 pm. I run AIM (telonam) and MSN ( [Log in to view e-mail addresses]) if you are interested in chatting. As always the best way to get with me is through email ( [Log in to view e-mail addresses])


Here's some competitions that are out you can all take part in. I highly recommend you also CC Deatharoc and myself when you do submit. I like to give lots of rewards to active people but I can't know your active if I don't see it :) If you have any questions about these comps just drop me an email. Remember that if there's a specific file type required when sending in your submission to follow directions!

Settling Home

Ends February 19th or whenever the run-on reaches 80 posts I think

Entries go to the various judges listed


2008 Tarentum Trivia

Happening every month for the 2008 year

Trivia questions will be on the Tarentum message boards along with who to send answers to

Background Checks...

Ends February 29th

Send entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]


Time of War: Intercept

Ends February 29th

Send entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]


ACC: Quick Skirmish

Ends February 28th

Challenge people through the ACC site


February Gaming Competition

Ends February 29th

Tied to Gaming Nights


Gaming Nights

Every Monday through Friday

Look for opponents in #dbgaming


*The ICTE (Interclub training event) happens on Saturday every week. Just show up in #outerrim, play with someone, and be sure to fill out the submission form: http://taldryan.net/shadow/submit.php

For those that don't know, the ICTE is your chance to play people in other clubs. It can be fun and educational at the same time. Happy hunting!

Funny, Strange, and Amazing

So the husband and I went walking around the local Zoo the other day and we enjoy visiting the desert biome for the free flight birds, meerkats, and various reptiles. Plus its warm in there. We are standing there watching some meerkats play when the finches just start zooming around all over the place. These free flight birds are use to visitors and tend to not fly very close. I guess on this day they felt like playing with people's hair. Being tall, my hubby was a good target and I got a good laugh every time he got buzzed. I think the birds were laughing too cause they twittered after every run. Beautiful little birds these finches but very naughty when they want to be.

~DA Telona Murrage (see)ad/details

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