Consul Report


Consul Report


Dark Jedi of the Jusadih System,

I come before you, as both your servant and leader, to recall the progressions we have made as a Clan in the last week. And I also come to serve as witness to the things that we are working on as a Clan, as well as the things we need to improve as a group. The list is long, the news is a bit tedious... but I guarantee that should you read this from top to bottom - you will learn something new.

Clan News

I am calling last week the "Consul's Catastrophe" for a multitude of reasons. First, and foremost, I spent last week taking about seven pages worth of notes and doodles... converting them into concise thoughts and directions with where I wanted to go with the Clan Prospectus. I then hammered out three powerfully detailed and carefully worded sections for our Prospectus: Introduction, History, Government (Rule of a System & Rule of a Clan). I was making some fundamental changes to the information previously provided... and then I made a stupid mistake and lost 70% of my work. Alas, the hubris of a Krath that tempted the Huntress known as Fate by using the word "never" once too many times.

The remainder of our Clan did an equitable job of servicing the basic needs we have. Several members showed up for a competition, a couple made time for Inter-Club Training Event (ICTE) and the leaders did their best to complete their assigned tasks in an orderly and efficient manner. Speaking of the latter... should you have any issues or concerns with a member of the leadership team, please contact me so we can discuss it in greater detail. If your problem is with me, I suggest speaking with Proconsul Ky Terrak. And then, and only then, if the situation cannot be resolved, you should contact the Grand Master and his Deputy. Otherwise, we operate with an Open-Door Policy... anyone and everyone can contact me with their concerns. No one will be scoffed at for their beliefs or fears.

Last update on my activity - I swear - is that I sent in my Internal Report this past week. An Internal Report, better known as an IR, is where the Consul breaks down the morale and direction of a Clan. It is an in-depth, critical analysis of what is working, what is not working, where we are going and more. The Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master and the Praetor to the Grand Master review this document and then give feedback, encouragement or general advice to help iron out some of the kinks that present themselves in the IR. My biggest concern with the Clan, at this time, is our inability to compete/fight. I will discuss this more later in my report. Long story short... IR is complete and the Grand Master likes the direction we are heading and the recent burst of energy we have had.

Brotherhood News

Deputy Grand Master Report: Muz posted a brief, but informative, update/report on the DB News Page this week. It briefly discusses some of the upcoming changes we will be seeing in the next two weeks. Amongst the impressive range of items are Disciplines within the Orders, Updated Character Sheets, Force Power Skill Trees and Cool Artifacts. Read up on the tidbits...


Combat Master Report: Halcyon issues his last report as the Combat Master of the Antei Combat Center. Here there are more references to the forthcoming changes and that it will be affecting everyone in - and outside - the ACC; pertaining to Character Sheets. He also makes a dynamic change by grand fathering old, custom species and outright denying any future ones. This does not mean you cannot use obscure species in the Star Wars universe - you just have to present enough information and a source. :-)


Tribune: Wiki Report: Tron recently issued a brief report/reminder about some basic administration policies of the Wiki Staff. It is vitally important to attempt/try to remember to use the "Show Preview" button when updating Wiki Pages. Honest mistakes will happen, though. So if you receive a 24 hour ban due to several back-to-back quick changes to your article... let me know. I will do my best to act as your liaison to settle any issues.


The Message

I had a pretty amazing week at work. My department has gone from being a group that hovers around 200th out of over 650 companies to the top thirty five. It places us second in the district, second in the territory and approximately thirty third nationwide. When my boss asked me what I attributed this to... I started giving him the modest, roundabout answer every supervisor/manager is supposed to give the General Manager. I praised my team, new company directives and some personal shifts in outlook and attitude within the department.

He was quick to counter, "Brandon, those things are all helpful, but the only thing to change in this landscape within the past two months is us bringing you onto the team. We gave you free reign, let you find your niche and allowed you to maximize your potential with only the bare minimum of guidance."

And it got me thinking (it also got me a raise, booyah!) that sometimes we can place too much emphasis on process and not enough on the merit of participation and 'doing.' This is my message to everyone... let your Leaders handle the burden of command, the turmoil, politics and things that will, otherwise, weigh you down. Your goal, as a member of this Clan, must be to standout and prove to the Brotherhood that we are not unworthy of our heritage, title and Clan status. We must attack Brotherhood-wide competitions together... and we must do so with consistency and conviction that we hope to demonstrate in the next Great Jedi War.

So use this week and show me how active you can be: Shadow Academy Courses, 2/+2 ACC Quick Skirmishes, Gaming Nights, ICTE, Submissions to Clan & House competitions, Message Board Activity, IRC presence... go all out. Show me that you want Clan Plagueis to rise above the rest. Because we cannot take that massive step until you take the small, controlled step of being a more active member.


Hot movie coming out this Tuesday: 30 Days of Night. I really do not know what I haven't done this more often... as my entire career is now based around technology; specifically media. But I will do my best to introduce a must-have movie for your collection every week!

I am going to use this week to catch up on my lost Prospectus work and do the "Time of War" competition hosted by the Tribune:Fiction, SBL Raken. I suggest you all take a page from my book (or my lead) and participate in this competition to show the DB that Clan Plagueis still has teeth! And if you need assistance with the cipher/code, to get started on the fiction, please get with me ASAP.

We should have some new innovative updates for your viewing pleasure by the end of the week, but I am hoping to have two special treats for you in less than twelve days. Keep your eyes peeled and your minds open... and it may just blow you away and energize you.

Last, but not least, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all of our members whom have recently joined and begun working up the ranks towards Dark Jedi Knight. New members cultivate new ideas, provide new perspective, give us more friends... and are just all around cool.

Have a great week, folks. And remember... we serve at, and for, the pleasure of the Grand Master of the Dark Brotherhood. So that he may utilize our time and commitment to help drive the club forward to a better place.

I am, your servant,

Braecen Kaeth

_Consul of Clan Plagueis

Safeguarder of Sheep


Braecen Kaeth (Krath Pontifex) / CON-EP / Clan Plagueis

[GMRG: RG3-G] [KSoE:FE] [ACC: CE:3]

RS / AK / SB / GC-PoDP / SC-SoA / AC-RoF / DC-GP / GN-BL / SN-BL / BN-BL / Cr-3D-12R-24A-32S-15E-11T-6Q / PoB-AgL / CF-PlF / DSS-PL / SI-AuL / SoF-AgL / SoL-BE / LS-GL / S:-2R-18Al-19D-7Dk-9P


You are not what you were born, but what you have it in yourself to be...

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