Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Hi everyone! I hope you all have managed to stay healthy this winter season. I just got over a nice little bug and it feels good to be able to sleep again. I was really concerned with this cold because I was running a fever and that can be dangerous for a pregnancy. All better now though, which is good.


Well we've not had any new faces join us this week. It's ok though we can take this time to get to know one another and have fun in the latest House competition. Details are below.

The Clan competition is wrapping up. A huge thank you/congratulations to those few who did participate. There will be a special award given out to one of our members. For those of you who don't know/don't remember, Gladius has special titles that can be awarded and I plan to award at least one in the coming week. Look for that email :)

Speaking of the special Gladius titles, I am hereby looking for someone to help me make a wiki page detailing the titles so that the information is readily available and such. I may need this persons additional help when I finish up Project Gladius and am ready to put in the bases description. I am still looking for a graphically inclined person to do up some images for the Gladius wiki. If you are interested and maybe looking to get a nice merit medal out of it please contact me without hesitation.

Remember that if you are interested in becoming the next AED of Gladius to submit your application to me no later than the 28th. If you need details and don't have the original email sent out by Anshar then just throw me an email. I'll be happy to help :) Also if anyone knows anything about Deatharoc or how to get a hold of him outside of emails please help me out. No one knows what happened to the guy and most everyone is pretty worried something bad happened.

The Arcano Signum and is open to any and everyone looking for a little bit more choice when it comes to activities. If you are interested in joining the BT please email Dralin and myself. BTs are fantastic ways to meet new faces, be active, and just plain have fun. There might even be a House competition coming up that'll have specific events involving Arcano so jump on that ship now!

I try to be online is in the evenings about 3:30 pm EST off and on through about 9 pm. I run AIM (telonam) and MSN ( [Log in to view e-mail addresses]) if you are interested in chatting. As always the best way to get with me is through email ( [Log in to view e-mail addresses]).

I've had some people ask me why I hardly pop on mIRC or at least just idle in there. The answer is two fold. One, I don't have enough time to devote to that particular chat program. If I am going to be on mIRC I'm going to be on it at least an hour and that's an hour I can spend instead reading my Anatomy and Physiology books. Two, I share this computer with my hubby who likes to close out everything and/or hog the computer in the evenings. He's on a Lord of the Rings kick and some of those campaigns take hours to complete the way he wants them done. I guess he can be a kid for just a little bit longer :P


Here's some competitions that are out you can all take part in. I highly recommend you also CC myself when you do submit. I like to give lots of rewards to active people but I can't know your active if I don't see it :) If you have any questions about these comps just drop me an email. Remember that if there's a specific file type required when sending in your submission to follow directions!

The Hazing

Ends March 8th

Entries go to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]


Settling Home

Ends very soon!

Entries go to the various judges listed


2008 Tarentum Trivia

Happening every month for the 2008 year

Trivia questions will be on the Tarentum message boards along with who to send answers to

CoJ Website

Ends March 3rd

Send entires to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]


Background Checks...

Ends February 29th

Send entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]


Time of War: Intercept

Ends February 29th

Send entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]


ACC: Quick Skirmish

Ends February 28th

Challenge people through the ACC site


February Gaming Competition

Ends February 29th

Tied to Gaming Nights


Gaming Nights

Every Monday through Friday

Look for opponents in #dbgaming


*The ICTE (Interclub training event) happens on Saturday every week. Just show up in #outerrim, play with someone, and be sure to fill out the submission form: http://taldryan.net/shadow/submit.php

For those that don't know, the ICTE is your chance to play people in other clubs. It can be fun and educational at the same time. Happy hunting!

Funny, Strange, and Amazing

A funny and scary tale comes to mind as I sit here about a really bad driver. The woman could not back up out of her own driveway to save her life. If you parked a car on the street she managed to hit it. If you parked a car in your own driveway she managed to hit it. Yes, pulling out of her driveway, backing across the street, into your driveway, and smashing your car. I think she had something against old sports cars because she always managed to hit this one car every week unless it was not physically on the block. If it wasn't for the fact that one day she managed to back into someone else's car after crossing that person's lawn I would have said she didn't like her neighbors. For all I know she is still out there driving around. Her husband always paid for the damages out of his own pocket so her license never was taken away by the state. I for one would have given up my license if I was that horrible. So if you are out there driving around just remember that she is still out there and she probably can't go forward any better than backwards :P

~DA Telona Murrage (one)old/geek

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