Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Banshee Brigade

The new barracks were almost completed as Korvyn strode into his new office. Everything had been placed to his orders. The Floor was as of yet unfinished though the rough texture really was growing on him. Walking to the Wet Bar Korvyn poured him a bit of Correllian whiskey and surveyed the rest of the bars contents. When he was sure that everything he required was there he went and set down at his desk propped his feet up and began sipping the Whiskey.

[-0-] News [-0-]

HDS for the WIN BABY!!!!! Sorry been waiting all week for that. Everyone should give themselves a big congratulations for their hard work in securing this victory.

Now for the nitty gritty of the report: Rolls in the Battle team. Here is what I have decided as far as selection. Rank will select first. If 2 members have the same rank and request the same Roll then the First Tiebreaker will be Total medals earned. If by some chance it is a tie still total SA courses passed will apply. Basically Rank has its privileges and so does activity. Now for the Information on the Rolls

Banshee Rolls

The idea behind this is to more define the rolls of members in both the BT and in our interaction with others via fiction and run on.

For example someone might be given the title of Pilot for the Transport. This person will ALWAYS pilot our transport into and out of battle in fictions and run-ons. However they might be in charge of training others in the Space formats such as BF2 Space combat XWA and XvT.

I repeat Choices will be extended based on numerous criteria. No choices at all may be extended to newer members until we have gotten to know you and what you’re capable of. That doesn’t mean that you don’t have a Roll since not everyone in a real platoon has a defined roll other than to Fight and Take Orders. I feel that this will be a great way to increase activity set some ground rules for fictions and run-ons as well as have a lot more fun.

  1. Pilot

  2. Co-Pilot

  3. Medic

  4. Sniper

  5. Commander (Me)

  6. Demolitions Expert

  7. Weapons Specilist

Selection begins Now so let me know what you want. I will select a 2nd in command soonish but I really want to get these done first.

: mean face:

I haven’t received and submissions for the Comps listed below. We really need these as they are for your battle team to set itself apart for the others. Most members never really get to have a part in forming a part of the DJB since most of it has been formed years ago. Here is what I want on the History. Where did our name come from? What were the events leading up to our creation? Names and dates aren’t as important to me. How and why are.

The seal is a one time thing so make it good if we use it I have been informed that it won’t be able to be changed anytime soon.

Just have fun with the banner.

[-0-] Comps [-0-]



set=yes linkindex=75>Banshee Brigade Comps<o:p>/o:p

[-0-] Medals & awards [-0-]

Bal promo woohoo!

Ric Cresent with Quartz

[-0-] Links [-0-]

Banshee Brigade Wiki: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/wiki/index.php?title=Banshee_Brigade

DJB Server list: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/wiki/index.php?title=Gaming_Servers

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