Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report


Strats woke up in the infirmary, his back still in pain. He had been sparring with comrade Vivackus Kavon when both passed out due to severe bloodloss. As soon as he was healed, he would again challenge the fellow Obelisk.

OOC: Vivackus stomped me in an ACC battle, though mainly because he stole my dp idea. Anyways... we're fighting again! heheh.

New Members:

We are now accompanied by DJK Doku Rivendare!

Recent Activity:

I have very much information to put here, which is awesome!


-Crescent wtih Quartz Star: Vivackus Kavon and Zuo Hagen

-Crescent with Topaz Star: Letum

-Cluster of Fire: Julius Caesar x2


-Victories: Vivackus Kavon, Callus Bo'Amar

-Losses: Strats, Callus Bo'Amar

-Ongoing: Strats, Vivackus Kavon, Le'tum, Callus Bo'Amar

-Rank Updates: Letum

Quote of the Week:

-A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

My email address is [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Current Competitions:

-That one is mine and I ask/encourage participation. I've only recieved one entry so far.

-I can't officially preach on how important it is that you enter this until I do so myself, which I will soon. Do it anyway, it'll get you cool-points in the eyes of the Consul.

-There are now 3 easy crescent opportunities. Braecen is including trivia in his reports, Ky is still running the caption contest, and I have the quote of the week.


I'm almost to the point where I decide to stop begging you all to download IRC. Luckily for me, I said almost. <- Important!!! Join us in #plagueis or #satalvictus on the undernet servers. That's all for now folks, hopefully have some graphics next time! Have a great week ;)

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