Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


<marquee bgcolor="#0000FF" loop="-1" scrollamount="2" width="100%">~~~ Quaestor Report #15 ~~~ 16th April 2008 ~~~ PLACE YOUR AD HERE ~~~</marquee>

Dark Greetings House Marka Ragnos,

Very short report for you today. Yay to Faeril on becoming HLK QUA, congrats to Xander on becoming HMR AED and to Vorion as he's the new Ravana Commander. Read on... more to go through.


Independence Games 2008

The IG has started and we have till 14th May to get in as many entries as we can; you have already seen via the House mailing list the two I have done so far. So click here to go to see which events are running!


Disciples of Ragnos - Completed

YES! You have read correctly, the House project is finally completed (more or less); the only thing that really remains is for everyone to give their feedback... so please, lets have it...

IRC Role Play

Aedile Alexander Anderson is going to work on a system for us to use on the #disciples_of_ragnos channel. More to come on this.


Unpaired Students

These Journeymen are currently not pairedÂ… Now is a chance for all Dark Jedi Knights and above to take on the role a Master and tutor one (or two) of these hopefuls to Knighthood.

Protector Kyrath Amaranthi [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]

Protector Kraytirous Shalluat [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]


UPATED: 4/10/2008 - 4/16/2008


Tyren Atema transfers in from HLK.

Faeril Munlear transfer to HLK.

Thaladred Darkhan transfer to HLK.

Also, lets welcome Mordaki to have transfered into the House.


Ashura Megos Isradia has been awarded a Seal of Loyalty (4/12/08)

Faeril Munlear has been awarded a Seal of Loyalty (4/12/08)

Zaroth Kalikrayye has been awarded a 2 x Cluster of Fire (4/14/08)

Shadow Academy

Jades "Imperial" Atema has passed her Dark Maven - Writing (4/15/08)


Zaroth Kalikrayye has been promoted from Guardian to Jedi Hunter (4/16/08)


As always here are also the usually links for you know and use to grow better accustomed to life on the other side of the fence as a Special Ops Commander:


Alabrek Castle


D-SOG Troopers

Dlarit Corporation

D-SOG Dark Jedi Roster

No D-SOG Roster for you this week; reason being I want to try something new and dont have the time today to do it, sorry.

House Marka Ragnos Roster: 42 Members

PIN Rank Name Status

14 Grand Master Paladin Active

3415 Epis Nekura Manji Keibatsu Active

114 Exarch Raistlin Sadow Active

195 Archpriest Janos Silverwulf Sadow Active

4782 Battlemaster Ashura Megos Isradia Active

4183 Priest Raven Active

6463 Priest Tyren Atema Active

7925 Priest Tsainetomo Keibatsu Active

7941 Priest Vladek Active

1440 Templar Morrigan Ryukossei Jade LoA

5552 Warrior Devani Kiriana Maharet Active

164 Dark Jedi Knight Jades "Imperial" Atema LoA

5055 Dark Jedi Knight Shuang Long LoA

9630 Dark Jedi Knight Alexander Anderson Active

8103 Jedi Hunter Zaroth Kalikrayye Active

8469 Jedi Hunter Vorion Active

8887 Jedi Hunter Scuslem Active

9034 Jedi Hunter Ekeia Iclo Active

9838 Jedi Hunter Zaxen Dauketrenal Active

3264 Guardian Storm Active

4960 Guardian Telos Active

8845 Guardian Nero Pennant LoA

9811 Guardian Teu Active

7115 Protector Tritherus LoA

8350 Protector Mordaki Active

8936 Protector VanWyck Active

9115 Protector Kyrath Amaranthi Active

9584 Protector Kraytirous Shalluat Active

9598 Protector Jalor klenstan Active

9729 Protector Arfalax LoA

9773 Acolyte Robert (Rusty) goldbear Active

9885 Novice Kantar Sinas Active

9823 Apprentice Zeliek Rivendare Active

9852 Apprentice bass.ex Active

9906 Apprentice darkvain Active

9920 Apprentice Azora Active

9921 Apprentice khaligh napoleon Active

9925 Apprentice Mortis Defero Active

9938 Apprentice dark jedi hitarro Active

9941 Apprentice Rinati Active

9951 Apprentice Kathasios Kaijar Active

9980 Apprentice Tester300 Active


All in all, another great week for are members. As always my door is always open, [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or just look for Ashura on IRC.

For the glory of Sadow, and House Marka Ragnos

Sith Battlemaster Ashura Isradia

Knight First Class

Dark Patriarch of the Disciples of Ragnos

Quaestor of House Marka Ragnos

Governor of Tarthos

ISDII Harbinger Commissar

D-SOG Senior Commander

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