Aedile Report


Aedile Report

<head> <title> AED Report Extraordinaire </title> </head>

Brothers and Sisters of Satal Keto

The Independence Games have a short time left and whoever submits to ten events will receive a Dark Cross from Braecen, and whoever submits to the most events in House Satal Keto, might just get something special from me. Let's go, Keto!


Ashron promoted from NOV all the way to PRT

Keep up the good work, Ashron!


The Independence Games!

Shadow Academy

Ashron completed the IRC Basics, Sith Alchemy, Hand-to-Hand Combat, and ACC Initiates Courses.

Four from one person! What about the rest of you? Perhaps I shall have to create a comp to get you people doing these!

New Comers!

Daemonis in from the Shadow Academy


Let's get a last minute rush into those Independence Games, bring Satal Keto out on top! Also, I'm still waiting for any challenges for the Shadow Academy.

Darkness Guide You,

DJK Alaris Jinn (Obelisk)/AED/Satal Keto of Plagueis

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