Aedile Report


Aedile Report

<head> <title> AED Report Extraordinaire </title> </head>


His emerald blade streaking through the darkness, he struck as quickly as possible against the blur that was Darth Maul. Alaris did his best to remember Braecen Kaeth's words regarding the saberstaff. If you can see one blade, you know where the other is. Suddenly, the flurry of Juyo was flung at him and Alaris was forced to drop into a Soresu maneuver, making only deliberate attempts to parry any attack made. Overwhelmed and tiring faster than he would have liked, Alaris called for a halt to the simulation and the hologram of the dead Zabrak Sith disappeard, just as the artificial blade would have made contact with Alaris's arm. Panting, the Aedile collapsed to the ground, and gave himself one minute to centre himself and regain his composure before calling out again, "Restart it!"

Brothers and Sisters of Satal Keto

What's Alaris doing? How can you fight Darth Maul? All will be answered later on in this report.

You still have a short opportunity to apply for PCON of Clan Plagueis. Even if you don't think that you're qualified, there is an opening over in House Exar Kun. With Cipher's stepping down as QUA over there, Rilkel has taken her spot and applications for PCON will also be considered for HEK AED. So get those applications in!


Killer promoted to ACO
Ashron promoted to GRD

Congrats, you two!


The Shadow Academy is one of the best ways to get promoted. But starting this month, it's also going to be an easy way to get Crescents. Simply do a lot! Whoever does the top three amounts of SA Courses in May, will get 4th level Crescents. So get on it!

Remember my battle with holographic Maul? Well, because several Journeymen, who have very little experience using a lightsaber, have been granted the use of a stock blade, the Summit of House Satal Keto has decided that it would be best to train them. A holographic training program has been set up in Alpha Base for anyone who wants to sharpen their skills.

It was thought that because Plagueis was assassinated by his apprentice, Sidious, that the holograms be of him and two of his apprentices, as well as Clone Troopers.

The highest three scores will be declared the champions of the Holographic Lightsaber Training Program.

Shadow Academy

Ashron completed the History of the Sith Empire III and General Leadership Courses.

Killer completed the Obelisk Core and History of the Sith Empire II Courses.


In summery, apply for PCON and AED, compete in my easy competitions, and congrats to Killer and Ashron for their outstanding work!

I still have no Challenges against for the ACC, why is this? Come on, I'm only moderately good. :p

Darkness Guide You,

DJK Alaris Jinn (Obelisk)/AED/Satal Keto of Plagueis

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