December KMTs


December KMTs

"Sixty Minutes"

There are developments that take months and years, but there are also those moments where an hour is all it takes to make you a different person.

Write about such an hour that affected your character. A short introduction to establish the setting and/or an afterword to tie up a loose end are legitimate, but you should visually separate it from the main story. The event depicted in that one hour is up to you, it could be something you did or something that happened to you.

Length requirement: 2 pages minimum, not counting the intro and afterword. Intro and Afterword should be a maximum of half a page each.

Kaiann's running this one, so entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] in .txt or .doc format by 31st Dec.

"Antei Archaeology"

With the recent arrival of the Dark Brotherhood on Antei, and the subsequent building of the Great Hall, many objects have been uncovered that obviously belonged to the people who had once lived on this planet years ago. With most, only a shard or a small piece remain to suggest what it may have been, but a number have been recovered intact.

Your task:
Find random artifact, (official DB artifact, or made up by yourself). Use it's name as the title of a haiku poem. (i.e. "Ring of Wisdom", "Emerald Orb" etc.) In your poem describe that artifact, discuss the way you found it or whatever you would like to write about it, but it must focus on the artifact.

If you are not aware of how to write Haiku, check it out in Poetry Course notes, available in Shadow Academy.

Tiss is running this one, so entries to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] in .txt or .doc by 31st Dec. (Please note that artifacts described will not be official DB artifacts unless approved by the DGM's office)

Hmm... Haiku...

Is there any particular reason that one of the KMTs is so short yet there are still only 2? Just a question. And now that the KMTs are open to everyone, are we still keeping the name 'Krath Monthly Topics'?

KMT usualy has two parts, poem and a story. Of course it's open for entire DB not only Krath, but because of the fact, that Krath High Priestess' office set the topics, and because it always has been that way, so lets say for the tradition, we still call it Krath Monthly Topic.

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