Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

~Hex BTL Report #2, 7/13/08~

Welcome, everyone to my second report as Hex BTL. I hope you find the report useful and enjoy reading it. Anyway, here we go.

~Clan News/Comp~

Clearly, the biggest piece of clan news that's out there right now is Operation: Swift Justice. As you should know, this is a feud between Ektrosis and Dinaari. The first half of the event is almost over, and with that goes some opportunities. However, there are still the events that last the entire feud and those in the second half. Personally, I plan to do stuff in the second half. Let's do this for Ektrosis. If I recall, this is over at the end of the month.

~DJB News~

Well, there's not much to mention here, but there is a pending comp to make a new ACC graphic. If that gets approved, you all should try to have fun with it. I certainly wouldn't manage to have fun, but I suck at art. :) So, yeah, if that gets approved, you all should certainly do that comp as well.


Operation Swift Justice

Pending ACC graphic comp.


Unfortunately, I don't recall this Battleteam getting any promotions. We'll all get there eventually though. We just need a little bit more hard work to be involved.


Amiz seems to have gotten stuff out of quite a few comps. He's received 2 Crescents. One of them has a Quartz star, the other an Emerald Star. Well done with that.

I myself got a Crescent with a Quartz Star.

Unfortunately, that's it in the way of medals. However, as I always say, if we keep trying, we can get these things done and succeed. Good luck on that everyone. :)

~Random Stuff~

Well, clearly, Star Wars is great. But the thing is, have any of you yet to see the preview for the Clone Wars movie? I mean, yeah, it's Star Wars, but I mean, what the hell? It just looks so different than everything else. I'm not so sure about this. While we're on the topic of movies, go see Journey to the Center of the Earth. It's great, and I give it an 8.5 out of 10.

~Final thoughts~

Well, hopefully this report isn't too short. I had a decent time writing it, especially the random stuff section. I hope you liked it. That's all I have for now.

--GRD Swifty Chapple

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