Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Greetings one and all to the first EVER edition of the Vundu Aedile Report! Please save your applause and rotten throwing tomatoes until the end of the show. Thank you. I also would like to apologize for the boringness of this report, but I am about as knowledgeable in HTML as a mayfly is about what he is going to do tomorrow.

I am Ralph Vundu, your new Lord and Mas… I mean Aedile. This is the first report of many, so I hope you will bear with me. We currently have the War of Ascension going on, so get those creative pens writing, or drawing, or both if you are just that good. There are also rumors of the next Great Jedi War, looming over the horizon. It seems that once again, we cannot solve things with diplomacy, so we must turn to violence. I highly encourage anyone who is interested to get qualified and practice in the ACC as well as to start playing their favorite SW games.

There are a lot of competitions running, and a lot about to end. They are great easy ways to get shineys. And shineys are good. Check them out at your friendly neighborhood Competition Board.

Comp Listing

While you are there, look into the latest House Competition seen here:

Music to the Soul

Also we have a hole in our ranks. We are sadly in need of a new Leader for Exar’s Shadow. I have given this a lot of thought and I feel that the best man for this job is not a man at all. Therefore I wish to be the first to congratulate Miss Chief aka Cipher on becoming the latest Battleteam Leader. I expect great things to happen to the Team under her guidance.

That brings me to more congrats to be passed out. A lot of people have been very busy as of late. And with the Independence Games awards finally coming through, that makes the list even bigger, so big congrats go to:


History of the Sith Empire I Passed, Dark Brotherhood Basics Passed, Promoted to Novice

Maol Nor Lexu

1 x Seal of Remembrance

Koga Kage

1 x Seal of Remembrance

Galaphile Dupar

1 x Seal of Remembrance

Ky Terrak di Plagia

6 x Seal of Remembrance

Brema Sedul Nakaka

6 x Seal of Remembrance

Kara Rohana

Crescent with Quartz Star, Crescent with Topaz Star

Jaysun Adumarii

Crescent with Topaz Star

Octavia Demona

Crescent with Quartz Star

Bal Demona

Crescent with Emerald Star

I myself earned 2 Crescents with Emerald Stars. So not only big congrats and a cigar to all of them, but yay me as well. :P

There isn’t much else to say this week except to again remind everyone to get their 2 cents in for those shineys and to start preparing for impending War. It is an honor to serve you all, and if you have any question or comments, I am here for you. Standard rates apply. Good night and God bless.

Your Humble Servant,

Ralph Vundu

GRD Ralph Vundu (Obelisk)/AED/Exar Kun of Plagueis [ACC: INI]

DC / Cr-2E-1Q

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