Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Zenith Orbit,

Antenora, Cocytus System,

Dark Brotherhood Territories

The Imperial II-Class Star Destroyer Warspite settled into orbit above its’ adopted homeworld of Antenora, silently keeping watchful guard. The entire crew was on edge, with the tension so palpable that it could probably be cut with a vibroblade.

Skulking about, trying to stay out of the hair of his subordinates, Epis Timbal was uncharacteristically nervous. His Consul had passed orders down to the Grand Marshal that all Clan military forces should be put on high alert. With advanced orders like that, he knew that the Clans’ intelligence assets had passed along a warning that deserved merit. On the other hand, it had been a while since there was some sort of warring between the members of the Brotherhood, and now seemed as good a time as any as to start another war.

Oddly enough, even though he had been through many of them, Timbal hated war. He hated the cost to the Clan in terms of lives and equipment. The Yuuzhan Vong disaster had finally sapped away the last of any form of desire for bloodshed. He actually looked forward to the times of peace, where he could concentrate on his studies and help train the next generation, be them Brotherhood members or normals that had pledged themselves towards the defense of their mutual home.

He had so much respect for them, in contrast to the views of several other Brotherhood members, some of which viewed normals as expendable and unnecessary assets. Timbal saw them as brave warriors that, despite their handicap in not possessing Force abilities, still put their lives on the line.

A tiny beep on his sensor board caught his attention, interrupting his musings. Ah, good, he thought to himself, the loading of the troops was complete. Minus star fighters, the Warspite was ready to go hunting.

Another sudden beep interrupted his thoughts. A message from the Consul appeared on the screen of his datapad with a single word. "Report."

Timbal nodded to himself, and then the Epis activated his commlink....



Yo, yo! This weeks' fiction was my own tiny intro to the preparation of tomorrow’s activities, which I’ll get into….

Things to Cover (House Stuffs):

  • Clan Feud! This has been alluded to for quite some time, but finally it’s upon us. In a few short hours the enormity of the Feud will be upon us, and I’m counting on EVERYONE to give it their all for all of the marbles. This one is for keeps, yo.

  • Comps: All competitions are on suspended notice until the Feud is complete.

  • Fictional Stuffs: Also on hold until the end of the Feud.

  • Random Shadow Academy thingy I Was Thinking About: Well, I’ve qualified for two more degrees. They’re making sure that everything is accounted for, but I’m pretty proud of that fact. I screwed up one test, though, so I’ll have to retake it to qualify for the Dark Sage one. D’oh! That’ll probably happen after the Feud, though.

  • Welcome to the new troops that have joined the House! I’m especially impressed and pleased by the work of Rex Brannigan, he’s just slaying SA courses left and right. Great work!

Random Other Things:

  • Uhm, nothing for this week.

Real Life Stuff:

More random stuff going on in my life!

  • Work: I really dislike my job. Not the actual job itself per say, just the people in charge. They make some really strange choices that make no sense, and expect people to follow their lead blindly. Meh. Meh, I say!

Well, that's about it, peeps. Until next time!

KE Timbal

AED guy

Random medals and stuffs goes here.

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