Deputy Grand Master Report


Deputy Grand Master Report

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Report time. <p>

-> <- <p> Well, i've been waist deep in several projects lately, as well as helping a few other people with their stuff as they need it. One that almost everyone has seen is the awarding of the Seals of Remembrance, which were awarded for the recent Independence Games.Also, I've been working with Jac to help him do some of the work needed to get the New CHaracter Sheets ready for beta testing. There's a metric buttload of work involved in that...much more than most think...but as anyone who has had the pleasure of looking at it already, we can tell you how incrediawesome it is going to be.<p> Aside from that, I've been working on the Character Image Generator. This will be a cool sort of thing where you will be able to fish through different faces, and then change them through a set of options like eye color, hair style and color, skin tone, etc. Yes there will be plenty of species as well. And there's some really cool orther options we're looking to add in. So here's a screenshot from my sandbox, where i build everything. click it to zoom, but it's still pretty small.

What you're looking at is a sandbox for just one face, with a crapton of options. The idea is to make it so that everyone can narrow down to what they actually look like, and it can display on the doss, or saved and put on the wiki, so that we're not stealing images offline from other people...and so that half of our characters in this club aren't replicas of bad anime, video game characters, or whatever.<p>

So yeah, this is another one of the sandbox images, showing a sample saber and it's guts. If you've been reading my reports, you saw this. Now, you're smart people, so I won't draw you all a map. I think you'll still be able to figure out where I'm headed with this sort of thing.

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KOTOR MMO confirmed...kinda. "We've got two of the most compelling MMOs in the industry in development," EA CEO Riccitiello told reporters. "The first title, based on the Warhammer property, will launch soon. And the one that people are dying for us to talk to them about in partnership with Lucas [Arts is] coming out of BioWare, which is, I think, quite possibly the most anticipated game, full stop, for the industry." When contacted by GameSpot, BioWare reps declined to comment further.<p>

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Clone Wars TV show/Movie is going to be more 'fun' than dark. "I wanted this to have the banter. I wanted this to be funny," Director Filoni said in an interview at Skywalker Ranch.<p>

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You're not going out in that, are you? Heck, your own brother would go after you if you were wear...wait a minute...</p><p>
SW custom Steampunk action figures. No collection is complete without them.</p><p> </p><p>
And guys, if you're going to send me pics, they kinda have to be pg-13 to get on here. We don't need to get the site flagged as porn and end up filtered out at everyone's work or school. That girl with the lightsaber.... well.. That's not PG-13. And I hope it wasn't a member in the pic. :P</p><p>



-> <- <p> Congrats and thanks go to: Dante on T:G

Bloodfyre on CM

Tron Sadow on his Steel Cross

and about 140 people who scored themselves Seals of Remembrance

And I got promoted to DP, which is a huge honor. Thanks for all the kind words, everyone.

Well done, all around. <p> And that's all for this time. If you guys have any questions, or need any help, shoot me an email, or PM me on IRC. Have fun!

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Send lightsaber girl picture to

Ok, I got a few comments. :P

A) I can only imagine what Lightsaber girl was doing.......
2) Taig, your turning this into the DJBPR0N. :P
c) Mmmmmm Twi'lek boobies. On a related note she is kind of cute. :P


Don't judge me.

In the picture, one of the girl's boobs seems bigger than the other.

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