Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Sergeant Report: Soulfire Weekly

And it's me again!...conspicuously early, this time, for no particular reason. Enjoy your edition of the Soulfire Tribune! :P


Uhm...the Feud? If I need to say more, something is wrong. With you. Yes you, slacker. :P

*The News: *

Well...a Feud's going on, and so far the results are promising. I got a gazillion entries to my offers for proofreading...and I suspect many of you didn't bother at all in all, I'm optimistic on our chances....which means that you get to spend the next three weeks alternately kicking the asses of the Lesser Clans and gloating over how well you are doing. Good hunting, mates. :D

On that note, I'm also announcing an LoA...starting now, really. Gonna go flotilla sailing in Greece, chase Greek chicks and generally have fun. W00t! This also means I won't be able to proofread...but we've got a lot of talent that can take over. :)

Running competitions:

Uhm...I'll repeat again: Feud? :P


Since there's not much more to say in this report, I decided to add one of my oh-so-awesome motivational posters. Yay for me? :P


Arc pwnz, and the other guys are just starting to feel the pain.

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