Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report


Hey all.. this is your friendly neighbourhood Quaestor. I come to you once again with a report of the House happenings. I'm proud to say that we are doing very well right now and I know that people are putting a great effort forward in this 3 way feud that is happening. The details and links are below if you make it that far.

As you may all know by now, we have a new Blue Mist Battle team leader: OT Etah d'Tana. Please take the time to welcome him into this new position. Talos and I have great confidence in his ability to keep this team strong and on the rise. Below, I will outline what he has set out to do for Blue Mist (maybe you haven't read this yet) and as you will see, under his leadership, Blue Mist will grow in fictional power and they will grow in morale as a team and they will continue to rock the house! I am very proud of Blue Mist and how far they have come under Talos' leadership... even though I am bias towards Soulfire - due to being on this team for a very long time. Blue Mist was a fresh and new battle team and they have proven to the rest of the Clan what they can do. Read below what is on the horizon for Blue Mist: (none of which is written in stone)

The several new ideas for the Blue Mist Squadron:

Motto of the Blue Mist Squadron:

Your death is certain, for I am chaos and I have come to claim you.

Creed of the Blue Mist Squadron:

Amidst the shadows, we will sow the seeds of chaos

Through chaos we will create weakness

Through weakness we will create destruction

Through destruction we will create chaos

The will of the Consul be done,

The supremacy of Arcona is nigh.

Primary Mission of the Blue Mist Squadron:

To destroy key targets in space or on ground as assigned by higher command, both in combat and in low intensity situations.

Secondary Mission of the Blue Mist Squadron:

To scout routes and locations in space or on ground as assigned by higher Command

Tertiary Mission of the Blue Mist Squadron:

To exploit battlefield conditions and create advantageous weaknesses in the enemy's lines by destroying leadership, key defensive positions and the enemies will and means to fight as those opportunities present themselves.

Blue Mist Squadron: Military Table of Organization

Commander, Aero Group (CAG)

Deputy Commander, Aero Group (DCAG)

Alpha Wing Commander

NPC Wingman

Deputy Wing Commander

NPC Wingman


NPC Wingman


NPC Wingman


NPC Wingman

NPC Pilot

NPC Wingman

Omega Wing Commander

NPC Wingman

Deputy Wing Commander

NPC Wingman


NPC Wingman


NPC Wingman


NPC Wingman

NPC Pilot

NPC Wingman

Etah had originally included a Pathfinder team to identify targets on the ground but he has indicated that adding that to Soulfire's mission profile will give the two battleteam's a common purpose and goal and increase cooperation and Esprit de corps within House Galeres.

Blue Mist Squadron: Military Table of Equipment

Available Star Fighter Squadrons:

A9 Vigilance Interceptor

A9 Vigilance Interceptor

Scimitar Assault Bomber

TIE Phantom

The Blue Mist Squadron consist of only twenty four pilots, however the above Star Fighter squadrons should be reserved for Blue Mist so the CAG can tailor the Battle Team according to mission profile.

So as you can see here in this outline, there is plenty on the go for this team and we have confidence in Etah's plan to make this happen.

+=Feud Competitions=+

Here below you will find a list of the competitions that are available to you guys which concern the three way feud that is going on right now. Go to each link and take part in everything that you can. This is our time to shine my brothers! We must prevail over these clans and I know we have the strength to do this. I know the Clan and House summits can count on it's membership to own this competition. We are doing well now, let's keep this up! Awesome, guys!

Here are the links:

Feud Web Site: http://diabolos.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/UNEASYALLIANCES/

Clan RO for the Feud: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=5343


Also, keep your eyes pealed onto the future horizon as Talos and I work on developing some Galeres History and storyline.

This has been another wonderful QUA report.

I hope that we can all band together and kick the other clan's cracks in this feud! You guys are doing well now, but a 4 week competition can be hard - keep your chins up and keep fighting for Arcona. If there's any one clan that deserves victory and that I have confidence in, it's Arcona!



That is all...

In Arcona's Service,

SBM Rho Ozrei d'Tana

Quaestor of House Galeres

Dossier #: 8154

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