Aedile Report


Aedile Report

[BAC Doomsday, 1130 hours, conference room B]

A collection of men and women dressed in low ranking New Republic uniforms gathered in a small conference room. The lights were low and the faces of the soldiers were grim. Their ship had departed Prakith en route back to Yridia, but had stopped short due to the MC-80 Renegade mysteriously appearing in their path. Investigations of the derelict ship were under way. The faces of the soldiers in the room betrayed a fierce impatience at having to report back for yet another meeting.

An older gentleman dressed in a New Republic second lieutenant's uniform stood at the front of the room, hands clasped behind his back. There were dark circles under his eyes, and his expression was stern. His uniform had several large tears which had been mended, as well as a number of dark colored stains. The uniform had clearly seen better days. Interestingly, there seemed to be one perfectly clean patch on his uniform. He sipped from a glass of water before beginning the meeting.

"Gladians," he began. "I address you today as your new Aedile. Deatharoc has chosen to step down for personal reasons. I thank him for his service as Aedile and wish him the best of luck. Please stand, sir." The Dark Jedi Knight stood briefly, to a small round of applause.

"As with any promotion, this is a commitment to continued service and an even higher level of excellence, and in no way a reward for prior work. If any of you needs anything in terms of support from your House Summit, please feel free to contact me. I am here to serve you." The new Aedile took a moment to look around the room.

"Finally, I would like to express my appreciation to all of you. We had a tremendous amount of activity this past week, and you all have been very good about helping me keep track of it all. We are well on our way to make House Gladius a force to be reckoned with, both within Tarentum and without. Keep up the excellent work."

"May the Darkness guide you always. Thank you."

If you have no idea why we're on the Doomsday instead of the Sword's Sheath, please follow this link to find out:


Merit awards and promotions are tied to activity. If you want medals and promotions, get on my list as often as possible.

Activity in House Gladius for the past week has been as follows.


DA Troutrooper:

08/03/2008 - Participated in Oberst's Navy Wargame

KAP Apollo:

Various QUA duties

DJK Deatharoc:

Various BTL duties

07/29/2008 - Won ACC match against JH Zaroth Kalikrayye

07/30/2008 - Promoted to ACC: CL:2

08/03/2008 - Lost ACC match against GRD Cern Unnos

JH Malekith Sythe'rae:

07/31/2008 - Transferred in from Rogues

GRD Scion Altera:

Various RM duties

07/28/2008 - Rollmaster Report

07/28/2008 - Bi-Weekly Report

07/31/2008 - Promoted to Aedile

Various AED duties

08/01/2008 - Participated in Oberst's Navy Wargame

GRD Ronovi Tavisaen:

Various BTL duties

07/26/2008 - Battle Team Report

07/30/2008 - Participated in Death of a Clan comp

08/03/2008 - Participated in Clan Competition Trivia

08/03/2008 - Participated in Renegade Spirits comp

08/03/2008 - Participated in A Renegade's Past comp

NOV Balia Donos:

07/29/2008 - Promoted to Acolyte

07/30/2008 - Completed the Training Saber Course

07/30/2008 - Completed Sith Core SA Course

08/03/2008 - Withdrew from ACC battle against SBM Derev

08/03/2008 - Completed Starfighter Studies SA Course


In Darkness,

Scion Altera

GRD Scion "Firebird" Altera (Sith)/AED/Gladius of Tarentum [ACC: CL:1]


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