Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Jade stood there at the end of the table looking at her team. It had changed once again, this time though she knew it was for the better. It has been over 6months since she became the Battle Team Leader for the Night Hawks, and in that time she has seen many members come and go, and many accelerate with the skills they so easily possessed and brought to the team. She had also made good friends, and in her opinion dam fine Dark Jedi, course being their leader she might be a bit biased about their skills.

  Her two flight leaders nodded as she glanced at them. Zaxen Dauketrenal was her apprentice, a fine one in her opinion.  He always worked hard and was willing to participate in making his Team, House, and Clan the best that it could be, that’s why she had picked him to be her Hilt.   He was just coming off of a long LOA and getting back into the swing of things, but she had every confidence in him and his capabilities.  Zaroth Kalikrayye gave her a grin and nodded as well. She smirked; the kid was good she had to admit.  His activity level was usually one of high esteem, and his enthusiasm for the Dark Brotherhood was a great one she was counting on to rub off on her team.  He was quick and egger which was why she had chosen him to be her Blade.  Neither of them would have it particularly easy having the new positions, and it would take time and effort to teach the new members the tricks and trades, and most importantly the fighting style of the Night Hawks, but they had been members for a long time now, and were well adversed, they would do her proud, this she was certain of.   

  She leaned back and rested a hand on her hip as she looked next to Ekeia, the last of her still remaining long time members.  She was strong, and the only other female in the team.  She worked hard and only wanted the best for those she worked with.  Jade was proud to have her remaining.   Nik Walls sat next to her; he was quite and appeared as though he was trying to not get noticed.  He was a newer member, probably been in her team for near a month, well close to it, but he had tried hard, she had even promoted him to Novice.  Jade moved her fingers so they brushed her hip.  He was the only Novice, only lower rank actually, to be invited into the Night Hawks, she hoped he could live up to the standards of the elite team.  

  Finally coming to her two newest members, Laigerick Sithelhood and Dismal Ryokou-Amor, neither had been in the team since her command but she welcomed them with high regard.  Both of them had been given great reviews, and had participated in trying to make the House and Clan a better place. They had transferred in from another Clan, but she was willing to give them a shot.  After all, their track record of activity and skills were something that the Night Hawks valued and looked forward to adding to their own.  

  She scanned them one more time before leaning forward and placing her hands on the table.  “In darkness we are bidden, and you have all been called to the Night Hawks.  The elite team of House Marka Ragnos, and in my opinion the elite team of Naga Sadow in general.”  She saw their smirks and nods of agreement.  “A status I expect you all to help keep and expand.”  She stood back up and walked around the table. She found it amusing that none of them turned to watch her; they kept their eyes on her when they could see her and their senses when she was out of their view.  Oh yes this was going to be a great team indeed.  She stopped again at the front of the table.  “Being the elite team holds you to have a higher responsibility and a higher purpose.  You are secretive, and you will be given access to more classified missions and tasks. All of which you must remember you were chosen and invited to do based on your skills and your merit.”  The novice seemed a little surprised at that, but he didn’t show any fear. “Because of this, your actions and everything you say will be watched and accessed.  You are the elite team of Marka Ragnos, therefore you are its ambassadors, whether others know it or not.  We answer only to our Quaestor, none others.  If you think there is a mission or task that requires our attention you bring it either to myself or to one of your flight leaders.” She gestured to Zaxen and Zaroth.  She paused for only a moment to see if there were any objections, to her satisfaction there wasn’t.   

  “Welcome to the Night Hawks.” Jade sat down at the table and handed them each a data pad with the meetings’ agenda.  

OCC: Hey all, new team, new fun. With the recent reorganization of the House and the teams I don’t have any activities to report so it’s kind of a reminder of what’s happening in the Night Hawks. You are required to do AT LEAST ONE battle team competition a week, in order to stay in the Night Hawks. We also have an up and coming specific fighting style outline. Although it was always assumed we had one, Alaric has agreed to still help formulate a specific style (even though he is now no longer the Blade) that we can use in our fictions and run ons. It’s been a great 6 months for me in leading the team, and getting to know everyone that’s come in, let’s keep it going!! FOR SADOW!


Krath Tetrarch—BTL--Jade Imperial--Dark Jedi Knight--Fallen (AKA. The Sword)

Sith Flight Leader—Zaxen Dauketrenal—Jedi Hunter—Enforcer (AKA. The Hilt)

Sith Flight Leader—Zaroth Kalikrayye—Jedi Hunter—Enforcer Sith

Flight Member - Ekeia Iclo – Jedi Hunter – Hawk

Sith Flight Member—Nik Walls—Novice—Trainee

Sith Flight Member—Dismal Ryokou-Amor—Warrior—Trainee

Sith Flight Member—Laigerick Sithelhood—Jedi Hunter—Trainee

Krath Tyro-- Shan Long—DJM—Fallen


  Now, for those of you who are new and for those of you who may need a reminder there is an inner Battle Team promotion system.  Started way back when Ylith was BTL of the Night Hawks and carried on since then.  Each 3 competitions you do you are brought up to the next rank.  Zaxen has agreed to help me write up a paragraph on each of the ranks and their importance but if you would like to help please email me!  

  Below you will find how many competitions you have to do to get to the next rank and what the ranks are in order.  

Keia--> 2x comps for Hawk

Zaroth-->3x comps for Hawk

Zaxenà 1X comps for Hawk

Nikà 3X comps for Enforcer 2nd Class

Dismalà3X comps for Enforcer 2nd Class

Laigerickà3X comps for Enforcer 2nd Class

Training ranks from low to high:


-Enforcer 2nd class



From here it splits up into three departments, each for each order you are in again top is lowest rank and bottom highest,

















That’s right all! Just because members have been moved around, doesn’t mean there aren’t competitions for you to get out and do! So get out and have fun!!

The New positions-The Blade


Known as really the one who makes sure the Night Hawks know how to fight have their very own fighting style to set them apart from the rest of the brotherhood. The position recently made as a way to strengthen the training, and give a specific go to guy when the Sword, Aka BTL, is otherwise occupied or on a mission. Also allows for more specific one on one fighting and training to be available.

With all new appointments there is a party, how would you congratulate the first appointed Blade?

Half a page minimum, 5 page maximum. 12 point font.

The New Positions-The Hilt

Known as really the one who makes sure the Night Hawks history is recorded and told to the generations to come. They are also the key communications officer of the team, and keep a close contact with the Sword as well the teams' member's. They are responsible for teaching the Night Hawk Members the history of the Team and all the hidden locations and treasures that can be used should they ever be separated from the team and need a safe haven.

With all new appointments there is a party, how would you congratulate the first appointed Hilt?

Half a page minimum, 5 page maximum. 12 point font

Dress the QUA

Specifics: (open to ALL HMR)

Tired of seeing the same old robes on our QUA? Well now is your chance to

fashion him some brand new clothes, trick is you can use anything you want

to make your designer wear!!! From Trash bags, to ropes, to even toilet

paper, it's all up to you.

Your assignment is to create our QUA's next outfit! Draw by hand,

computer, whatever, your idea for the QUA's next outfit!!! Multiple entries allowed


Specifics: (Open to all of CNS)

During the recent war with the Vong many Clansmen fought hard, and many lost their lives to defending the Clan and the Brotherhood as a whole. Your task is to design a monument in their honor, something that can be proudly displayed. The names of those who were lost and those who were honored will be placed on this monument (separate areas), so room for this should be allowed, either at the bottom, top, middle, wherever depending on your design.

Quote the Star Wars Movie 6

Specifics: (open to all of CNS)

Same rules. Give me the character and the movie for each quote. Half

points if only the character or movie title is given.

1)"Ohhh! Great warrior! Wars not make one great!"

2)A communications disruption could mean only one thing: invasion.

3)I can assure you they will never get me onto one of those dreadful starships!

4)Your father was seduced by the dark side of the Force. He ceased to be Anakin Skywalker and became Darth Vader. When that happened, the good man who was your father was destroyed.

5) It only takes one to sound the alarm.

6) I see you becoming the greatest of all the Jedi, Anakin. Even more powerful than Master Yoda.

7) You're going to pay for all the Jedi that you killed today, Dooku.

8) Blast! This is why I hate flying!

9) I had nothing to do with it. General Rieekan thinks it's dangerous for anyone to leave the system until they've activated the energy shield.

10) There is no escape. Don't make me destroy you. [pauses] Luke, you do not yet realize your importance. You have only begun to discover your power. Join me, and I will complete your training.

Cover of Smoke and Darkness



The Night Hawks have been developing a new small weapon, used more in defense then for attack. This weapon is like the smoke bombs you see on movies that people throw and allow themselves a cover in which to escape under.

Your Task is to draw this weapon. Perhaps use your detailed explanation from the detailed part of this competition (better if this occurs).

Winning entry will be placed on the Night Hawk wiki.

Mal’ari’cun has one as well. This one will help you to build up your characters background more allow for easy RP on run on’s as well as input for your wiki! Go check it out! It’s fun!!,%20Queue_Comp.EndDate&sort=desc&ID=3591

Medals Galore!!

I am currently implementing a New reward system for the Night Hawks. Your job is to design a Medal based on the following. There are 3 medals to design. Each will have a winner would will get the crescent and laced on the Night Hawk Wiki.

Clawed Spirit

The Last in the standing of the three activity awards. This depicts the claw of the Night Hawk masquot. Gold in colour with a jet black back ground. Lighting bolts of silver are pin striped through the claw. Given to those members who have received 4 Darkness Bidden awards. Shows that the receiver has loyalty and courage in their heart to bring their fellow Battle Team members to a high standing and to show just how proud they are to be a night Hawk Elite.

The Daggers Beak

A coveted and hard to obtain award. This Medal is a rarity in its awarding. Given only to those who have done a mission for the Battle Team leader, and brought the Night Hawks to a proud and noble standing by their actions.

MORE ON THE WAY!!! Lol yes I still have some competitions that have yet to be approved.

Shadow Academy Courses:

Should have these up next week once you guys get out and do them!

ACC Battles:

KP Mal'ari'carun vs. JH Zaroth Kalikrayye. Unfortunately Zaroth was defeated but I hear he is out to seek revenge! Way to go in participating!!

Competitions Entered:

Jade has entered Alraic’s Character comp

Ekeia has entered Red 5 competition, a Flash game comp.

Remember to CC me on your entries!!

IRC Presence:

Ekeia has been spotted on IRC

Dismal has been spotted on IRC

Laigerick has been spotted on IRC

Jade has been spotted on IRC

Run on Prescence:

Ekeia has been spotted on the run on

Jade as been spotted on the run on

This one is fun so get out there and do it!!!


Again with the recent remodeling of the teams and the house members, I have nothing to report yet. But I know you guys are so going to fill this up fast!!

The Swords Real Life:

  Yesterday was moving day, so we are now in the new house, however now we still have to move other small things from our old house, its amazing how much stuff you collect and don’t even know it.  Ya, ok so I admit I found a whole bunch of star wars stuff that I forgot about!  

  On the weekend I went out and bought an electric guitar and I start taking lessons here soon so I am pretty excited about that. I am also going to start drums here soon as well, aren’t my new neighbors just going to LOVE me?! Lol unfortunately though while picking this up I had a huge rock thrown from the side of a truck passing me, hit my windshield and smash it. I have never had something break like that, I was actually sprayed with glass!!  Good thing is, no one was hurt and my car finally has no more injuries (it was fixed!!)  

  My lap top desperately needs to be fixed and cleaned, to which I hope can be done this weekend, as such I might be on limited amounts but will keep you posted.  

In Closing:

  It’s been a great 6 months, and I look forward to working with you all and filling up those empty holes in this report with you!    

 Welcome to the Night Hawks Elite!!  

In Darkness!


We miss you so hurry back soon guys and gals!!

Jade until July 25th

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