Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

_SW Odin Vaaj Corsair

Quaestor of House Tridens

House Tridens

Clan Tarentum_

Tridens QUA Report No. 002

File ID : TRD01/002/XXIX

Evening Tridens,

First of all, I apologize for this late report. There is nothing to blame instead of my lack of time management for these past two weeks. The international events of disaster management have drained my focus, as perhaps they were also the cause of the severe gastritis to attack. But I have to be grateful enough, since I am getting better now with the upgraded treatment. Pain is always a lesson to see things better, i.e that I have to pay more attention to my stomach, to get some food when it sends a hungry call :P.

Well, back to DB stuff, we will go straight to the report.


The DB main site is still down. Big hope to the SCL Jac and the team to bring the DB site up again. May the Force guide them. Only wiki.darkjedibrotherhood.com and forum.darkjedibrotherhood.com are still operational. Be patient.

Most of Clan events were closed last Sunday, and still on grading. Only one thing left to finish : Clan Runon.


  1.   RPG design is still in 80% of progress. A bit prolonged from the schedule due to everyone's reallife but we hope we will have it run before August ends.  
  2.   Jedi Academy – Outcast Battle Team is open in house Tridens. Led by Archean, supported by Sephiroth, Ma'ar and Karel to all of you who want to sharpen your skill using your lightsaber more visually. Adriel, Keinan, Vampre will be there too and some more names will follow soon. Join this BT!  
  3.   Tridens Token is still in 90% of progress. It will be released by next week.  
  4.   Tridens Royal Guards manual has been canceled, changed to be Tridens as Tarentum Sentinel. Different with Tarentae for their job to guard Tarentum, they are the thinkers and Tridens is going to be the institution that every course of action from the clan summits or related governance bodies will be executed well. Still in 60% of progress.  
  5.   Leadership Corner in House Tridens protected forum. For Jedi Hunters to prepare their Trials (Jedi Hunters will be contacted as soon as the set up finish). In 70% of progress.    


  1.   AWOL Check. Will be presented for two weeks until September 8. Be sure to reply the e-mail.  
  2.   House Prospectus.  
  3.   Tridens Website  

Your involvement, especially DJK+ are expected.


Winners :

  1.   July SA Festival : Vampre, Cypha, Xaviar  
  2.   Tridens Enigma Phase II : Dock, Elols, Ma'ar  
  3.   Tridens Relic : Cypha  
  4.   Primus Pilus of Tridens : Theron Mar  

I receive no submission in Wisdom of the Past, seem you guys are a bit bored to write?

Next competitions : Still waiting for the MAA's approval. I will announce in the separated e-mail.


In to our house :

SBL Ma'ar- Tyrius Ga-tir. Welcome back, master

SBM Archean Erinos Tarentae. Welcome back, bro

ACO Adriel Ferore, welcome.

APP Fatux, welcome.

Out : none


Cypha : Dark Maven Phylosophy, Dark Maven History

Ma'ar : Wiki Basics

Adriel Ferore : Sith Alchemy


ACO Adriel Ferore to PRT


Kyra Starfyre: Dark Side Scroll (Wiki)

Dock Alfar : Crescent with Emerald x1 (1'st winner in Tridens Enigma Phase II)

Bieten Macht Elols : Crescent with Topaz Star x 1 (2'nd winner in Tridens Enigma Phase II)

Ma`ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir : Crescent with Quartz Star x 1 (3rd winner in Tridens Enigma Phase II)

Vampre : Crescent with Saphire Star x 1 (1st winner of Tridens SA Festival, with 10 passed exams, points : 37)

Cypha : Crescent with Emerald Star x 1 (2nd winner of Tridens SA Festival, with 6 exams, points : 25)

Xaviar Yaroslav Guadalupe : Crescent with Topaz Star (3rd winner of Tridens SA Festival with 4 exams and points : 14)

Sephiroth Shamsan Kali : Cluster of Fire x1 (Gaming Nights)

Raiju Corsair : Grand Cross of the Dark Side! X1 for his work


DJK Deatharoc and SW Odin Vaaj Corsair, on hold

JH Kyra Starfyre vs DA Enriyes, training battle, Enriyes won

GRD Cypha vs DA Enriyes, proving ground, Cypha won. Cypha's ACC rank was raised to Vendetta. Congrats Cypha!

DA Braecen Kunar vs SW Odin Vaaj Corsair, Braecen won

PRT Vampre Gortose vs. DJK Xathia Atema, training battle, Xathia won

KP Sephiroth Shamshan Kali vs SW Odin Vaaj Corsair , on hold

OT Raiju Corsair vs KP Sephiroth Shamshan Kali, on hold


Xaviar on Loa until August 17, 2008, well Xaviar should be around now.


Tarentum Website

Promotional Guide

Master/Student Program

IRC Guide

Journeymen Guide

Tridens Messageboard


Well, I think that's all for now. I gotta finish the drafts with sneezing :P, but I hope you all are okay. Don't forget the AWOL CHECK! Reply to the e-mail, and that would be to my address. I myself will do the process.

So have a good August and sweating for a bit (but here is pretty cold :S).



The Servant to House Tridens

SA House Loyalty Points

NOV Zero Raven

: ACC Initiates 77( 7/1) 3+1=4

PRT Vampre : Weapon Basics 98 (7/25) 1+1, History of Sith EmpireII 84 (7/21)1, I 100 (7/16) 1+2, Pre Republic History 79 (7/14) 1, Lightsaber studies 87 (7/10)1, Sith Alchemy 72 (7/9)1, Astronomy 91 (7/7)1, ACC Initiates 90 (7/6)3, Test of Wisdom (7/3)3, Force Phylosophy 83 (7/1)1,+10+10 =37

GRD Cypha

: Old Republic History 100 (7/20)1+2, Krath Core 95 (7/20)(3+1), Freighter and Transport 91 (7/17)5, Weapon Basics 95 (7/4)1+1, Runon 96 (7/1)1+1, Obelisk Core 92 (7/25)3, Dark Maven History(7/28), Dark Maven Phylosophy(7/28)= 19+6=25

JH Kyra Starfire

: Runon studies 91 (7/25)1, Krath Grammar 90 (7/25)1, Astronomy 92 (7/20)1, Weapon Basics 92 (7/10)1, Dark Maven Philosophy (7/1), Force Philosophy 97 (7/1) 1+1=6+5=11

JH Xaviar Yaroslav Guadalupe

: History of Sith Empire III 98 (7/25)1+1, II 100 (7/25)1+2, I 96 (7/16)1+1, Pre-Republic History 100 (7/16)1+2=10+4=14

JH Theron Mar

: Starfighter Studies 91 (7/9)1+1=2

DJK Dock Alfar

: Freighter and Transport 97 (7/11)5+1=6

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