Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

"Rejoice my fellow Dark Jedi, for an age of prosperity shall envelop our House!"

The recording stopped, fizzed, and was deactivated with the press of a button.

No matter how many times Revenge watched the holo-recording, it never seemed to dull. It had been almost four years since had had first shouted those words to the heavens and his Clan-mates. He had mulled over those words, that one exclamation, many, many times in the past, and he had wondered whether he had truly lived up to them. This was another one of those times.

The Krath Pontifex had served as Quaestor longer than anyone else in the entire Brotherhood had. Although the times before the beginning of his reign had been rocky, to say the least, he could now see the paths in front of him and those that he had traveled. He had seen forks in the road, he had seen obstacles and decisions, he had partnered with six Aediles, each of whom he wanted to succeed him, but he had never truly dared to stop.

He had seen, and been involved in, numerous conflicts, wars, adventures. He had seen his own brethren fall to countless terrors.

But now he had other duties to attend to, more people to serve.

As the head librarian and archivist of the Brotherhood's vast athenaeum, he felt obligated to serve his fellow Dark Jedi in a new way. Though he knew that he could have handled the two offices simultaneously as a younger man, he felt that it was best to dedicate all of his energy, and soul, into one area to better the Brotherhood.

He pressed a button on the underside of his desk.

"What do you want, ugly?"

"Time for round two, Timbal."

Wow, I've been Quaestor for over one year, ten months, and fifteen days.

It's been a good time, but now the reins must be handed to someone else - my Aedile, Timbal, who also happens to have served as Quaestor of Acclivis Draco and Consul of our Clan in the past, will succeed me. Congratulations and good luck to him!

I could probably ramble on about what I accomplished, what I didn't accomplish, and how many times my hopes and dreams were either lifted up on high or crushed like crab legs, but I'll spare you all the long list. :P I do have a few projects still ongoing that I will complete before disappearing off the map for awhile.

As far as Aedile and Rollmaster goes, I'm not particularly certain. That's Timbal's job now. ;)

Thank you to everyone who has made my tenure as Quaestor so successful!

"Rejoice my fellow Dark Jedi, for an age of prosperity shall envelop our House!"



KPN RevengeX Palpatine (Krath)/QUA-EP-T:W-M:SCL/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae [ACC: JUD]

"Integrity First, Service Before Self, Excellence in All We Do"

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