Consul Report


Consul Report

"We go to war and this band of hooligans attacks our outposts, raids our supplies, and destroys vital equipment!" screamed the Consul. "You have failed me for the last time." Phoenix glared at the legion commander as he crushed his throat with the force. The Troopers body convulsed and flailed as he desperately tried to pry the invisible hands away from his throat. Then coolly and calmly, his body went limp and the Consul released the hold.

"In his defense, it was not all his fault," shot Lucien. "We did leave Ohmen pretty much defenseless when Arcona showed up in the sector."

"Someone had to be punished, would you have prefered it to be you?" Phoenix retorted. Lucien glared at Phoenix, his growing lust for power was making him more unpredictable and careless in his actions. Lucien had noticed when he was not interrogating prisoners on the location of the "triumverate," he was pouring over books and lore, ignoring his tasks as Consul.

"I am merely stating, that we should be more concerned with stepping up security then placing undo blame." Phoenix snorted, he knew Lucien was planning some kind of take over, but didn't care enough to stop him.

Once I find the source, no one will stop me. I will be more powerful then the Grandmaster himself. Phoenix grinned.

"Make yourself useful and bring in the next prisoner. We have lost valuable time due to Brae and Mejas..."

Wow, time has flown by hasn't it. It feels like yesterday that I was given the call to step up as PCON of this great Clan. In the past 2years many changes have come around, and some are still to come.

New Palpatines:

Ok, I dropped the ball on writing the fiction for this and do not fret, there will be one when I can get a minute to actually finish it. But non the less, I am announcing the newest Palps.

After returning from a short hiatus, this member jumped back into the fray, working on various projects and propelling us back in line on a lot of this we were slacking on. He rejoined the HAD summit and has now taken the mantle of that great House. So without further delay, Timbal, Consul Emeritus and HAD QUA, you have be renamed a Son of Palpatine. You are no longer one of the Lost Two, congratulation Brother.

A now for the new inductee. This member has time in and time out proven his unfaltering loyalty to the Clan, stepping up when she is in need to help preserve our way and push us further into the future. You can not just point out one period in time and say "hey, that's why he got it," no, his work spans a large length of time within our Clan History. So it is with great pride and honor, that I annouince Dakari Kaeth, the newest Son of Palpatine!

Uneasy Alliances:

I must say, you have all made me proud on this one. We domintaed this feud with our strength and perserverance. I could not have ask for a better turn out for this event. I am still awaiting the final totals from Lucien, so once I get those, and the site comes back up, I will be awarding cres., medals, and promotions recc'ed from the summits. Once again, I thank you all for your hard work.


Still waiting on the release of the "Orders" from the Dark Council. Once that happens, you shall hear more bout it.

Activity or AWOL:

Self explanatory I think. Each month the RM's will pour over dossiers making sure people are active. If you are not on LoA, you will be AWOLed.


House summits will be releasing competitions, projects etc in the next coming months, so look to your inboxes for that.

Also, Imp is running a competition, a MB has been set up for it, so please get out and do that.

Also, look for a special competition from your good ol' consul.

I know, this report was short and sweet. I will release a mini one once I get the UA results.

In Darkness,

Phoenix Palpatine

Consul of Scholae Palatinae

Emperor of Judecca

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