Wiki Tribune Report


Wiki Tribune Report

Vote for next month's Featured Article!

Vote right now. Or nominate an article. Do it. Please?


Due to real life swallowing him up, Vladek has resigned from the Wiki Staff officially, but will remain unofficially to advise and offer his opinions. Thanks, Vladek.

No applications will be accepted at this time.


The title of any character article must reflect the name on the member's dossier. If the member has a Clan name, it may be excluded from the character article's title.

Like the previous amendment to the Editing Policies that I mentioned in my last report, this is self-explanatory. If you see someone's character article with a name different from their dossier name, I suggest moving the article, or, if you don't know how to, contact a member of the Wiki Staff to do it.

After discussion with the Staff, I decided to append the following clause to the rule: "If the member has a Clan name, it may be excluded from the character article's title".

If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions about this policy, please contact me someway somehow.


This was brought up by Tron last month, and the staff agreed that it would be great. Congratulations to Joseph Skirata on being awarded this honor first!

The "DJBWikipedian of the Month" award is voted on by the staff. Anyone can nominate anyone (including themselves) by sending me an email, but only staff members are allowed to vote. It is awarded monthly.


In the event that you change your dossier name, don't create a new account for the Wiki. In the event that you accidentally misspell your name while registering for the Wiki, and you realize afterward, don't create a new account for the Wiki. Instead, you should email me and explain your predicament. Keep the email short and sweet; a simple "Please rename the user account RebengeZ to RevengeX" would suffice.

I can rename user accounts with sheer willpower. However, I cannot delete user accounts because that requires 1000x as much willpower, and I am not that good yet.

Duplicate accounts = bad


Thank you to everyone who participated in the "Wiki Tribune - Fictional Role" competition. The results are as follows:

1. Ashura Isradia (CNS), 4782

2. Korvyn Halcyon (CSP), 8930

3. Impetus M'Nar Palpatine (CSP), 5951



Kalak Ragnose (CSP)

Joseph Skirata (CNS)

Talos Shadowblood d'Tana (CSP)

Vodo Biask (Tal)

Tra'an Reith (CSP)

Lucien Kaeth (CSP)


1) Fairuse image audit. (<span style="color:#00FF00">Complete.</span>)

2) User audit. (<span style="color:#CECECE">Dropped.</span>) I decided to drop this project because I realized that it wouldn't do much good. If the next Wiki Tribune thinks otherwise, he/she can do that. ;)

3) Clear the Dead-end pages list. (<span style="color:#00FF00">Complete.</span>)

4) More competitions. (<span style="color:#FFFF00">In progress...</span>) I did one competition. I want several more!

5) Rejuvenate the staff. (<span style="color:#00FF00">Complete.</span>)

6) Categories audit. (<span style="color:#FF0000">Waiting...</span>)

7) Project: Realism. (<span style="color:#FF0000">Waiting...</span>)

8) Tagged articles audit. (<span style="color:#FF0000">Waiting...</span>)

9) DJBWiki basic information. (<span style="color:#FFFF00">In progress...</span>)

10) Advanced Wiki course. (<span style="color:#FFFF00">In progress...</span>) Good progress is being made on this.

11) Past Featured Articles awarding. (<span style="color:#00FF00">Complete.</span>)

12) Redirects audit. (<span style="color:#FFFF00">In progress...</span>)


3491 Krath Pontifex RevengeX Palpatine

6381 Grand Master Sarin

153 Dark Jedi Master Astronicus Aurelius Sadow

2706 Obelisk Primarch Benevolent Taldrya Whiner

3944 Sith Warlord Robert Atema Sadow

5951 Krath Epis Impetus Korin-M'Nar Palpatine

9426 Obelisk Templar Alaris Jinn

7699 Jedi Hunter Kyra Starfire


  • 2,109 articles. 2,025 images uploaded. 645 registered users.

  • I am wearing a t-shirt that says "Veni, vidi..." on the front and "Volo in domum redire" on the back. It's awesome.

Top Ten Wiki Reminders

Use the Show Preview button as many times as you need

Use the Save Page button once per session

Put in a category - whether for an image or the article, and make sure it exists, don't make something up.

If you upload an image, use it right away, otherwise it will be deleted if found in the Unused File bin.

Don't double redirect. That is, if you change your name, change it everywhere it's listed instead of having a number of redirects.

Read the Guidelines

Read and use Getting Started

Don't remove Maintenance tags - only Wiki staff are permitted

Don't make links for articles that don't exist (red links) - make the article first then add the link to other pages.

Take the Wiki Basics course at the Shadow Academy

Have a great week!



KPN RevengeX Palpatine (Krath)/EP-T:W-M:SCL/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae [ACC: JUD]

SB / GC-PoDP / SC-SoH / AC-ToSL / DC-GP / GN-BL / SN / BN-BL / Cr-1D-4R-15A-23S-25E-12T-10Q / PoB-AuL / CF-SpF / DSS-AuL / SI-BL / SoF-AuL / SoL-TC / LS-EL / S:-4Al-9C-17D-6Do-6Dk-17Rm-17P


Please tell me there is a website somewhere that I can order that shirt, that is awesome

I'm not really sure. My brother gave it to me. It probably wouldn't cost too much to customize a t-shirt online and then order a few. lightbulb goes off

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