Aedile Report


Aedile Report

-> <head> <- </head> -> Ektrosis AED Report #1 ~DJK Sidarace Rathden~ <-

This, is my first report as Aedile, and I could not be more excited!

On the request of the Clan summit, and Vodo, I shall be continuing my duties as the house's Envoy, until we decide upon another decision. In other words, I am selfish and want al of the positions for myself! XD (Kidding, of course)

Double props to Vodo for making me these awesome report headers (Yes, I am in love with them, the wedding is scheduled for June '09)!

This will be a short report, due to the fact that things have been kinda put on hold during the time of the site being down. Well, now it is back up, so, next report should be jam packed. No excuses!

-Chaos is your CON! =O Let the fail reign

-Sklib is your PCON... Yay?

-Vodo is Ektrosis's QUA, whoopee

-Tal Times underway, get in your submissions!

-Site down, now it's back up. Up, down. Turn around... No, seriously, turn around! There is something behind you!


-Zilch. If you want to see this part filled with some courses, then I suggest you go take some.


-Jesse was promoted to ACO, keep at it mate!

-Athena Sentire got her ACO, woot!

-Galen Marik got NOV, awe-to the-some


-Andryan “Ace” Queldom got 3 CF's, you gaming whore =P

-Athena Sentire earned her first Crescent with an Emerald star, congrats!

-Bubbles got herself a nice Emerald Crescent, yes, she is still alive

-Seraine “Erinyes” Tenama earned a nice Crescent with a Quartz star

-Sidarace Rathden (Woot) and your humble Aedile got a Crescent with Topaz and Quartz

-Vardar Fen'Amar Ordo snagged a nice Crescent with Topaz, double woot

And thus concludes this section of this awesome report

“Caption this” Series

Starts: 2008-08-05 Deadline: 2008-12-05

Unit: House-Wide Event

Every week, one Summit member or other Ektrosian of my choice will post a Star Wars related image on the House forum (see link below). Top 3 funniest entries win for that week.

** Trivia league**

Starts: 2008-08-03 Deadline: 2009-08-02

Unit: House-Wide Event

Starting Sunday, August 3rd, the Ektrosis Trivia League begins! Every week, the Summit will sponsor either an IRC or email-based trivia similar to the old Shadow Academy trivia. The first two weeks I, Sklib, will run the show and make sure everything works out the way it's supposed to.

The trick here is a cumulative score will be kept for the duration of the month. At the end of the month, the Ektrosians with the highest cumulative scores will earn themselves 4th level crescents for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. Weekly awards are the usual Legion of the Scholar for the top two scores in that week as well as the moderator of the trivia.

Good luck, and may the nerdiest man win!

AEDs challenge

Apparently, it expired =P Fortunately, I submitted a new request, in which it should not expire for a good year from today.

Details: Every two weeks or so, I shall issue a fun little competition for you to complete; i.e. a Flash game, best paint drawing, caption contest, etc.

Platform: What ever said competition will require, I shall provide via email at the beginning of every challenge.

Awards to be given: 5th level Crescents for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place each challenge.

Comments: This should be fun, easy, and totally awesome, and will help you with your next Promo/give you shinnies, should you complete the task that is set before you. Expect some cool stuff =D

-> ## Important Email <-

Taldryan Googlegroup – [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Ektrosis Googlegroup – [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Consul Chaosrain Taldrya – [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Proconsul Hel-Pa Sklib – [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Quaestor Vodo Biask – [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Aedile Sidarace Rathden -- [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Hex Battleteam Leader Light Yagami -- [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Phoenix Battleteam Leader Seraine "Erinyes" Ténama -- [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

This part of my report will be where I post anything that I find amusing and or informative, whether it be SW or a new game that came out, anything that I think should be in this report.

Little bear gone pr0n

If you are a member, and you don't have any DB Message Board headers, or a war banner image, and you so wish to have one, email your QUA Vodo Biask <> with a request.

Ektrosis RO still running, and we want you all to jump on in. It is a great learning experience and a good way to improve your writing/RO/ACC skills. Plus, you get some nice shinnies, and the love of your House and Clan Summit. This will really help with the GJW as well.

Got any comments on the report? Let me know via IRC or email [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

I am more than happy to receive criticism. So, lemme know!

-Keep active via; participating in competitions, keeping constant contact with your house and Clan summit leaders, as well as the other members in the Clan. IRC and email are your friends. I suggest you take advantage of them like you would take advantage of your new rich friend who just moved in next door with a 360 and The Force Unleashed. =P

Get On IRC! It will help you newer members like you read about. It is a great way to understand how the DB works, how it's members work, and most importantly, how you work WITH the DB. Along with this, you can ask questions and receive immediate answers, as opposed to email redirect, which can take anywhere from 5 minutes to a few days.

Your promotions relay solely on you, and your leaders to supply the means by which you can stay active. As of right now, there are plenty of things to do, you just need to push yourself to do them. You'd be surprised how short of a time it takes to get a promotion/next big medal. If you look at most of our leaders and or higher level Equites, you will see from there ID lines that they have been extremely active, and loyal to our Clan and Brotherhood, and that is what makes them great in this Club.

Be expecting some stuff coming your way from the summits, along with some new competitions. We got some creative members in out house, and it is showing. Keep it up!

DJK Sidarace Rathden

Ektrosis of Taldryan

AED/RM PIN #9193

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