Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Deep within the Corporate Sector

The Shi'ido flicked off his lightsaber as the last opponent feel before him, having given him the final piece of information. It had taken him far longer than he anticipated, to track down the last lair of the person once called Doc. It was not easy to find someone who had spent so long hiding from people as dedicated as the Corporate Sector Authority. Especialy after their work had been so well pulicised by the very well known Han Solo. Despite all attempts, the Millenium Falcon was still the fastest ship in the entire universe, something Tra'anm hoped to change.

In his wanderings, he had managed to customize just about everything on his new ship, from streamlining the power output, to replacing all the weapons with heavier armanents capable of destroying a cruiser. Now, he was on the last leg, tracking down the one person who could tune his engine to match the best ship in the galaxy, or maybe even beat it. He was not needed on Antenora anytime soon, and what little paperwork had to be done, was being taken care of by droid. Or so he thought.

His comlink beeped, which surprised him since he had thought all of his calls were being forwarded. "What?", came his harsh voice.

"You Moron! Where's my report?" TImbal's voice came clearly through the very long distance communication, and was punctuated by a sigh from Tra'an. The one thing he couldn't get away from it seemed, was CSP's notorious demand for on time reports.

The commlink shut off as Tra'an returned to his ship to compose his report while the R-9 unit that came with it, piloted them to the final destination.

Hello and greetings to all! I apologize for the late report, but I'm afraid that the last week has been rather unexpectedly rough for me as all my professors decided to hit me with pre-midterm stuff. When you're taking 7 classes, that takes away all your free time.


Things To Cover

Koryn has a competition going on so check it out! I've even provided the link for you, how handy!,%20Queue_Comp.EndDate&sort=desc&ID=3794

Also, look for another competition coming after this one ends from yours truly. It'll be a fiction, asking you to write in character about your thoughts on the change of house leadership and how it's shaklen out so far.

Read the news page! With the DB Site back up, keep in touch! Some reports from teh Fiction Tribune and the Justicar are up and bear reading!


RL Stuff-

Like I said, life's gottewn really busy as midterms are coming this week and next. I'm going to continue to try and be on IRC at least an hour a day. If you need me, my email is still the most assured way of gfetting a hold of me.



I cannot stress the importance of communication enough! Please, get on IRC at least once a week. If you're only on for an hour, at least you're on. It's easier for us to get to know you, and plan coimpetitions you like when you talk to us, interact with us, and just spend time with us.

DJK Tra'an Reith (Obelisk)/AED/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae [ACC: INI]

AC / DC / BN / Cr-3A-1S-4E-2T-1Q / DSS-BL / LS / S:-4Rm-8P

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