Aedile Report


Aedile Report

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<font size="2">House

Marka Ragnos</font>

<font size="2">Aedile


<font size="2">Krath

Priest Mal'ari'carun</font>

<font size="2">Table

of Contents</font>

<li> <font size="2">Introduction</font>

<li> <font size="2">Apology</font>

<li> <font size="2">Alaric

in Real Life</font>

<li> <font size="2">Battle

for Inos</font>

<li> <font size="2">Naga

Sadow Times</font>

<li> <font size="2">Wiki</font>

<li> <font size="2">Promotion


<li> <font size="2">Competitions</font>

<li> <font size="2">Promotions</font>

<li> <font size="2">Medals</font>

<li> <font size="2">Transfers</font>

<li> <font size="2">Conclusion</font>

<font size="2">Introduction</font>

<font size="2"><span style="font-weight: medium">Wow,

so it just occurred to me that between the Hurricane, resulting Power

Outage, RL issues, and a cable/internet outage, I've yet to get a

single report out in my time as Aedile. Well, feel confident that

this stops now. You can expect these from me once a week (Fridays,

most likely), every week, whether you like it or not. There's a lot

of information in here, so make sure you guys actually read through


<font size="2">Apology</font>

<font size="2"><span style="font-weight: medium">I'd

like to start this report out with an apology. To whom? To all of you

in Marka Ragnos. Due to innumerable issues I won't go into, I haven't

been present as I should have been during the last month or so. The

afore-mentioned issues in no way mitigate this fact, and my behavior

in this regard has been inexcusable. Just have confidence that going

forwards you have an Aedile that is active, and will be here no

matter what you need. Oh, and expect a lot of competitions. A lot of

competitions. Like, you're going to hate me. That many. </span></font>

<font size="2"><span style="font-weight: medium">Seriously

though, my number one goal is to make this House a better place, and

everything I do in the Dark Brotherhood going forwards is going to be

aimed at that goal. If you ever have suggestions to improve the

House, or just want to tell me I'm doing a crap job, please let me

know. I may even reward you for it. ;)</span></font>

<font size="2"><span style="font-weight: medium">Now,

in true Naga Sadow fashion, everyone head to the cantina. There's a

round of beers on me for everyone I've let down. </span></font>

<font size="2">**Alaric

in Real Life**</font>

<font size="2"><span style="font-weight: medium">So,

what does your Aedile's real life look like? Well, first off my name

isn't Alaric. Its Michael. But keep that to yourselves. I'm a

Technical Advisor for a call center that does outsourcing for an

international computer repair firm. What's that mean? I train people

so when they talk to client's on the phone to schedule appointments,

they actually sound like they know a thing or two about computers.

Now, of course, they know nothing about them in reality...but at

least they sound like they do. :-p</span></font>

<font size="2"><span style="font-weight: medium">When

I'm not busy training and busting people at work, I play pool, work

on the novel I'm writing, and spend way too much time watching

Sci-Fi. If you haven't seen Sanctuary, watch it. Its awesome! Oh, and

I game far too much.</span></font>

<font size="2">**Battle

for Inos**</font>

<font size="2">So,

the feud is over. Where's that leave us? Right now HMR and HLK are

neck-and-neck. Either one could win, or lose. It'll all be decided by

a single event. But one thing is sure – its gonna be damn

close! Either way, I want everyone who competed to know that I'm

proud of you. We did a great job over a long period of time, and I

hope we can do even better in the next Feud. Speaking of, its right

around the corner. Take a little bit of time to rest up guys, because

soon enough we're gonna have to kick Tarentum's ass!</font>

<font size="2">**Naga

Sadow Times**</font>

<font size="2">So,

Bob put out calls for people interested in working on the Naga Sadow

Times. I know I put in my application, and I'd love to see a ton of

faces from HMR there on the staff with me. If you have any interest

in newspapers, writing, or newspapers, or writing, or newspap...err,

ok, I said that already. But yeah, if you have interest in either of

those things, make sure you let him know!</font>

<font size="2">Wiki</font>

<font size="2"><span style="font-weight: medium">This

goes for everyone, but especially people under the rank of DJK. Derev

is looking for slaves...err, work on the HMR wiki

pages. My understanding is that stylistically they are good, and they

have that awesome series setup (thanks to your's truly), but the

content is woefully out of date. If you are looking for a promo, or

just have some free time on your hands, make sure you drop Derev a

line. </span></font>

<font size="2">**Promotion


<font size="2"><span style="font-weight: medium">The

promotion guidelines have been updated (on orders from the Master at

Arms as I understand it). This applies to everyone DJK or below, even

if you are already working on your next promotion. Make sure you

check them out here:</span></font><font size="2">**

**</font><font size="2"><span style="font-weight: medium"></span></font><font size="2"><span style="text-decoration: none"><span style="font-weight: medium">.</span></span></font>

<font size="2"><span style="font-weight: medium">They

are radically different, as they aren't based on any kind of “point”

system, but don't worry. Most promotions accept almost any sort of

activity, so check it out. </span></font>

<font size="2">Competitions</font>

<font size="2"><span style="font-weight: medium">There

are currently six competitions you can compete in. The details are

below. Do me a favor, guys? There are multiple comps here that won't

take more than 5 or 10 minutes. Even if you are pressed for time,

pick one and compete. And make sure you CC Derev and I on your

entries. </span></font>

<font size="2"><span style="font-weight: medium"></span></font><font size="2"><span style="font-weight: medium">Unredeemable</span></font><font size="2"><span style="text-decoration: none"><span style="font-weight: medium">∨der=Unit&sort=desc&ID=3816


<font size="2"><span style="text-decoration: none"><span style="font-weight: medium"></span></span></font><font size="2">_<span style="font-weight: medium">Trivia

for everyone!</span>_</font><font size="2"><span style="text-decoration: none"><span style="font-weight: medium">∨der=Unit&sort=desc&ID=3833


<font size="2"><span style="text-decoration: none"><span style="font-weight: medium"></span></span></font><font size="2">_<span style="font-weight: medium">Design

the Ultimate Prison/Breakout</span>_</font><font size="2"><span style="text-decoration: none"><span style="font-weight: medium">∨der=Unit&sort=desc&ID=3851


<font size="2"><span style="text-decoration: none"><span style="font-weight: medium"></span></span></font><font size="2">_<span style="font-weight: medium">Now

that the feud is over...</span>_</font><font size="2"><span style="text-decoration: none"><span style="font-weight: medium"> -∨der=Unit&sort=desc&ID=3852


<font size="2"><span style="text-decoration: none"><span style="font-weight: medium"></span></span></font><font size="2">_<span style="font-weight: medium">Derev's

Vacation</span>_</font><font size="2"><span style="text-decoration: none"><span style="font-weight: medium"> -∨der=Unit&sort=desc&ID=3853


<font size="2"><span style="text-decoration: none"><span style="font-weight: medium"></span></span></font>

<font size="2">**Promotions,

Medals, Transfers**</font>

<font size="2"><span style="font-weight: medium">Well,

originally I was going to list all of these as well. But then I saw

that this report was already three pages long, and Jade included it

in her report yesterday. Rather than spam you guys with the same

information twice, just go check her's out at:

</span></font><font size="2"><span style="font-weight: medium"></span></font>[<font size="2"><span style="text-decoration: none"><span style="font-weight: medium">.


<font size="2">Conclusion</font>

<font size="2"><span style="font-weight: medium">Well,

that's it for this time boys and girls. Hopefully you made it this

far. For those of you who did, here's a little sneak peak at

something coming soon to an inbox near you.</span></font>

<font size="2"><span style="font-weight: medium">Starting

with my next report or the one after, you'll be getting a short

fiction along with all the info. But not the normal introduction you

see at the beginning of some reports. Its actually going to form a

cohesive storyline from report-to-report, with parts of the story

interspersed in the material as applicable, that way you have to read

it, and find out what's going on in your House, in order to read the

next part of the story (I'm evil, aren't I?). Let me know what you

guys think of this idea. If there's enough report, perhaps Jade,

Derev and I can all collaborate on the fictions, and weave them

together. Anyways, let me know your thoughts on this idea.</span></font>

<font size="2">**Mal'ari'carun,

signing off. **</font>



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