Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

Brothers and sisters of the first house of Scholae,

The past few weeks have been fairly relaxed so I don’t have much to report on. Next week, I will be handing out some medals from Dark Tides.


•Koryn has earned a Legion of the Scholar for SA MB trivia and an Anteian cross for his sterling performance lately. Good Work!

•RevengeX earned a Crescent with Quartz star for HAD RM trivia as well as two Legion of the Scholars Well done!

Shadow Academy

All of this round’s SA stuff has been from Timbal

Timbal has passed Pre-Republic history, Old Republic history, the test of Wisdom and History of the Sith Empire I and II. Not only that, but he has also earned a Dark Maven in Writing and Philosophy. Congratulations!

IRC activity

Timbal, Tra’an, myself, Laurus and Koryn have all been seen on IRC. If you have been on IRC and have not been included on this list, I’ve either forgotten you or by not being in #acclivisdraco I haven’t registered your presence.

News and Notices

The DC has released universal promotion guidelines for the Journeymen. Please be aware that this is only the first edition, it may be changed. What does this mean for you? Well to get promoted, you have to complete the tasks listed. Being a kind person, I will give you the link to the wiki page containing these requirements. Timbal is reviewing your work since your last promotion and will email you with what you have left to complete. I intend to continue doing this every 4 weeks or so.

Several JM’s are now hooked up with masters. Master’s are there to give guidance and help to the young’uns of the DB. I intend to email the pairings in three weeks to see how things are going. Remember, HAD is the first house of CSP. I want this honour kept and for that we

Koryn has released a HAD mascot competiton! If you come first, your entry will go on a wiki which is an honour.,%20Queue_Comp.EndDate&sort=desc&ID=3794

The House summit has some stuff planned for Acclivis Draco which sounds rather fun. Stay tuned for further news.

Standing Orders

I have noted that usually, when there is a member of HAD on IRC, they are always in #acclivisdraco. I am pleased with this but we do need more members on. If you want to please your house summit then get on IRC and talk with your comrades!

Participate in Koryns competition.

Enjoy yourselves. The DB is a place for SW fans to relax and have fun. The more you put in, the more you get out.

RM Trivia

How many lovers or would be lovers did Luke Skywalker have?

In darkness

DJK Kalak Ragnose

Roll Master of Acclivis Draco

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