Aedile Report


Aedile Report

[The Sword's Sheath, 1630 hours, Aedile's Office]

Scion Altera looked up from his desk to see an elderly Krath shuffling in from the hallway.

"Windos," he said, greeting the Gladian Archpriest.

"Scion," the Krath replied. There was a moment of awkward silence before Windos continued. "I have discovered the key to the message you asked me to decipher. However, I believe it may generate more questions than it answers."

"I see," answered the Aedile. His face momentarily betrayed his disappointment. "What was the message?"

"You who desire destruction shall be destroyed."

The gray haired Aedile tugged at his beard in puzzlement for a moment, but was interrupted as his commlink began to flash.

"I have to take this. It's Apollo. We can continue to discuss this message later. Thank you, Windos."

The Krath nodded, and shut the door behind him as he left. Scion pressed the button on the commlink.

"Scion, I have important news," the Quaestor sounded excited. "Anshar wants us to meet with him in person at his office on Castle Tarentum. Meet me in the hangar bay immediately. This sounds pretty important."


Apollo, Kazarelth, Ronovi and I have been cooking up a competition between Gladius and Cestus. A big part of it involves a run-on. If you are interested in participating in the run-on, please let Apollo and myself know as soon as possible! If you do not volunteer to participate now, you will not be able to participate in it later.

[General Notes]

I am looking for fights in the ACC. Challenge me for fun and "profit"! If you need help qualifying, I'm happy to proofread your writing and help get you ready for it.

If any Journeymen are interested in finding a Master to help guide you, please contact me by replying to this report and I will help you find somebody. The Master/Student Program (MSP) is by far the best way to become successful in the Dark Brotherhood. There is no substitute for having an experienced person there specifically to help you be successful.

It works the other way around, too. If you are eligible to be a Master and you're looking for a student, please let me know and I'll see if I can find you one.


Please remember to let me know of anything you do that might count as activity. Don't worry about bothering me too much; it's my job to keep track of this stuff. Keep in mind that if you do something but you don't win any medals for it, I won't know about it unless you tell me. That includes ACC, wiki stuff, as well as submitting to competitions. Awards are tied to participation and it all still counts even if you don't win.

Activity in House Gladius for the past week has been as follows.


KAP Apollo:

Various QUA duties

KAP Windos Helkin Tarentae:

10/28/2008 - Participated in Cryptogram competition

10/31/2008 - Started ACC training battle with Donos

11/01/2008 - Participated in Murder Mystery competition

11/01/2008 - Participated in LEGO Dark Brotherhood competition

OP Dox Romanae:

10/28/2008 - Won 11 CoFs for participating in ICTE on 10/25

10/29/2008 - Won 4 CoFs for participating in gaming nights between 10/26 and 10/29

JH Scion Altera:

Various AED duties

10/27/2008 - Aedile Report

11/03/2008 - Participated in Murder Mystery competition

11/03/2008 - Bi-Weekly Report

GRD Balia Donos:

Various BTL duties

10/31/2008 - Battle Team Report

APP Anton Werik:

10/29/2008 - Completed Test of Lore


In Darkness,

Scion Altera

JH Scion "Firebird" Altera (Sith)/AED/Gladius of Tarentum [ACC: CL:1]



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