Aedile Report


Aedile Report


<title>AED Report</title>

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<Dante|GONE> Dakari gets me in the next BF2 round.:)

    <dakari> shit...  

    <dakari> there goes my championship  

    <Dante|GONE> you beat me sometimes  

    <dakari> yeah, with help from your kids...  

    <Rei|Work> Careful Dakari, Dante's a known gaming rapist :P  

    <Dante|GONE> i pulled Ric in my draw for both flight games  

    <Dante|GONE> so i'm hosed.:)  

    <Dante|GONE> laf  

    <dakari> lol  

    <Rei|Work> :)</dakari></dakari></dakari></dakari>

<tr-around> That was the biggest damn net split I've ever seen

      <Rei|Work> I've seen bigger :P  

      <tr-around> That's what she said  

      <kalak> lol  

    <libratzo> Hosnap!</libratzo></kalak></tr-around></tr-around>


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GM report out

CM Report out

Wiki guy report out

Lots of promos and medals (see below)

Char sheets still not out

Do my Spamicon! comp, its easy and will get shinies.. 1 entry so far so there is at least one...

CHeck the website for other reports...



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Lucien the newest Palpatine!

Medal Request Approved: Seal of Loyalty for Phoenix d'Tana Palpatine, Event #182958

Medal Request: Seal of Loyalty for Phoenix d'Tana Palpatine by Syn Kaek, Event #182958

Promotion Request Approved: NOV Amritsu Van to ACO, Event #182953

Promotion Request Approved: NOV Shuan Waott to ACO, Event #182948

Promotion Request Approved: ACO RenNi Tyron to PRT, Event #182947

Force Philosophy Passed: RenNi Tyron (Sith)

Medal Request Approved: Legion of the Scholar for Solus Gar, Event #182922

Advancement Survey from ACO RenNi Tyron

Medal Request Approved: Crescent with Quartz Star for Shuan Waott, Event #182883

Medal Request Approved: Crescent with Topaz Star for Robin Hawk, Event #182882

Medal Request Approved: Crescent with Emerald Star for Angelo Dante, Event #182881

Wiki Basics Passed: Anarya Elvendar (Krath)

Wiki Basics Passed: Prajna Berkana (Obelisk)

Test of Saber Knowledge comp results [CSP Nobility]

      Sith Alchemy Passed: Dakari Kaeth Palpatine (Sith)  

Starfighter Studies Passed: Dakari Kaeth Palpatine (Sith)

      Medal Request Approved: Anteian Cross for Korvyn Elvendar, Event #182788  

      Medal Request Approved: Crescent with Topaz Star for Robin Hawk, Event #182794  

      Medal Request Approved: Crescent with Topaz Star for Angelo Dante, Event #182793  

      Medal Request Approved: Crescent with Emerald Star for RenNi Tyron, Event #182792  

      Freighters and Transports Passed: Dakari Kaeth Palpatine (Sith)  



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ph33r the Beer! or rather the rum.. but it didn't ryhme with ph33r... anyways...

The GJW is fast approaching. Be ready for it, it looks to be a good one this time... maybe not storywise but for us to win.

And for those that play World of Warcrack, the new expansion is out and from what I have seen... hawt ;)


And this week, I want to end with a joke and seeing as how the US holiday of Thanksgiving is fast approaching...



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*SBM Ric "Blade" Hunter (Sith)/AED/Dorimad Sol of Scholae Palatinae [ACC: INI] *

          <div align="center" class="style1">** GC / SC / AC-ToDS / SN-BL / Cr-2R-4A-5S-4E-8T-2Q / CF-BlF / DSS-AuL / SoL / S:-9M-7R-4D-11Rm-9P**</div>  

          <div align="center"><span class="style1">High General of the CSP Marine Corps</span> </div>  



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