Aedile Report


Aedile Report


<big>Aedile Edition #5</big>

Insert Fiction Here (yeah, that's right, none this week - but you'll get a double-dose this weekend)

    Welcome to the 5th edition of the Ragnos Report. Its been a fairly slow couple of weeks, but expect things to pick up here quick. Other than that...enjoy the read!  

Brotherhood News

    **Site Maintenance** – Supposedly the site was down for maintenance this week - personally, I never noticed it, but that's what the news page says. :-p  

    **GJW Update** – There's a great new fiction update for the Great Jedi War. Its on the news page, or you can see them all at the [forums](  

Clan News

    **Activity Policy** – There's a new clan activity policy in effect, starting the first of this month. If you don't know about it: what rock have you been under? Seriously, if you have any questions just drop me a line. I'll be happy to answer them, as will any other member of the House or Clan subject.  

    **Naga Sadow Times** – The first new edition of the Naga Sadow Times was released last week. Go check it out [here](! And remember, you can submit to it, even if you aren't on the staff.  

House News

    **BHCT** – Yep, that's right, there's a BHCT coming. What's a BHCT? A Big Huge Comp Thing! Look for it to open this weekend, though I might put out a plot teaser in the meantime. Its going to last a month, and be 20 events, so I hope you all enjoy it! If not, keep it to yourselves! :-p  

    **Activity Policy** – Yes, I know I mentioned this under Clan news, but its that important. Make sure you adhere to it. We don't want to lose you guys!  

    Well, RL has been a bit crazy of lately. I just got put in charge of this huge project at work, and its a pretty big deal. Lots of prestige and such. Its going well, but I'm working 10 and 11 hour days, so that's a bit insane. My dad has been in and out of the hospital, but he seems to be doing better, so that's a plus. Also, I just got a raise at work, so go me!   

The Day The Pwnd Stood Still

Let's face it, we rock hardcore. But what happens when the DB ends up taking a nose dive and ends up failing? Well, I want to know how it happened. Describe and detail the events on the day the DB no longer pwnd. Who was responsible for the epic fail and who will be the one to save us all? Humor is required and strongly recommended. The award is 2nd Level Crescents and 1st place gets custom robes. Here are the writing details:

Times New Roman, 12 font, 3 pages minimum, single spaced.

Entries will no longer be accepted after 11:59 EST on December 14th, 2008. Have fun and good luck!

Submit To: KPN Shikyo Sasuke Keibatsu

Ends: 12/14/2008

Bob, Drunk Consul

You are to design a banner for your Drunk Consul Bob. It can be a warbanner, logo, anything you want. Just make sure that it shows me in my true glory, a mean old drunk bastard.

Email graphics to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Submit To: Bob, duh.

Ends: 12/16/2008

Mad Macron's Darksider Duel Analysis

Three clips of famous darksider lightsaber battles on YouTube will be analyzed by each participant in a 3-part series. Participants will reference and provide a synopsis of the battle and the moves and powers used in the clips according to Brotherhood Dark Jedi lore and the Lightsaber Combat Guide. A summery and insights into the battle will also be provided by each participant in their own words.

Submit To: SWL Macron Goura Sadow

Ends: 12/06/2008

Defense of Clan Naga Sadow's system

Using the Clan's Order of Battle, come up with a defensive strategy for

the Orian System against any hostiles.

You can find Clan Naga Sadow's Order of Battle on our wiki site.

Submit To: SW Tsingtao Ming

Ends: 12/12/2008

Macron's Newest Alchemy Experiment

Macron has recruited you to help him with his latest alchemy experiment. He has placed you in charge of mixing up the chemical ingredients before he uses his skills to transform them into an object for his secret project. To successfully mix up the chemicals you must make the all the globs one color however you only have 25 tries with each mixture before the globs go kaboom. If and when you fail take a screen shot and send it me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). Top three scores will win crescents. Ties will be dealt with by time of entry.

Submit To: JH Ekeia Iclo

Ends: 12/10/2008


APP Lightigeous has joined us from the Shadow Academy. Welcome!

APP Kral Morth has also joined us - two in one week!


Jade: Cluster of Fire (x2), Crescent w/Sapphire Star, Legion of the Scholar

Raven: Cluster of Fire, Crescent w/Sapphire Star

Zaxen: Crescent w/Emerald Star

Ekeia: Crescent w/Sapphire Star

Mal'ari'carun: Dark Cross (go me!)


None in the last two weeks. Guys, if you need help with your promotion requirements, let me know. I can definitely help you get there!

Shadow Academy

Ekeia: General Leadership

Kalei: General Leadership

Kyrath: Sith Core


None - the heck is wrong with you guys? Go compete! ;)

    Not much here this week.  

What'd we learn this week, boys and girls?

<li>You guys suck at the ACC.</li>

<li>Jade is still the queen of medals!</li>

<li>Don't forget the activity policy. If you do, I get to kill you.</li>

Its been a pretty quiet couple of weeks, but expect that to change this weekend. I'll want to see 100% paticipation from everyone in my comp. There will be a crapload of medals being awarded, and its great practice for the upcoming GJW. Make sure you do it!


Signing Off**


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